Monday, April 5, 2021

Omega-3 Is Beneficial, But Its Excessive Ingestion Can Have Negative Effects

Omega-3 Is Beneficial, But Its Excessive Ingestion Can Have Negative Effects    

Among Them Are Heartburn, Blood Thinning, And Poor Immunity, But Take Properly Can Boost Brain Health, Reduce Blood Pressure And Arthritis, And Even Help With Hair Growth    

Omega-3 is a fatty acid beneficial that has many health benefits, but excessive intake can have adverse effects. Among its benefits is a lower risk of cardiovascular problems, such as risk or stroke, helps control high blood pressure, increases the production of the “good cholesterol”, helps with brain function and cognition, reduces the risk of depression, helps control inflammation, arthritis, and is also beneficial for gastrointestinal problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome, and ulcers. Studies have found it beneficial even for hair loss. However, excessive intake can be harmful according to experts, men should limit the ingestion to 1.6 grams per day, while women should take no more than 1.1 grams. If the ingestion is 3 or more grams per day, there can be more harm than good, affecting the immune system, due to the anti-inflammatory properties of Omega-3. It can also act as a blood thinner, resulting in excess bleeding, and also cause heartburn and diarrhea. More info click here.


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