Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What foods do you eat if you have acid reflux?

question by Emily: What foods do you eat if you have acrid reflux?
ane have a bet with my friend as to who can eat on an acrid reflux diet the longest. We are both stick thin and in high schooltime, so we don't need to worry about beingness unhealthy. Could someone with acid reflux tell me what their meals look like each day?

Best answer:
answer by Keith
 handful of raw fresh spinach leaves will help too. and like the ones from Trader Joe's.

make sleep with better? leave your own answer in the comments!
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Monday, January 27, 2014

Magnetic device helps some acid-reflux sufferers

PHILADELPHIA — Acid reflux disease was making Jeff Pugh’s life miserable.
Like millions of Americans, he took medications to suppress and counteract the digestive juices that backed up from his stomach into his esophagus. But drugs don’t address a basic underlying problem: the esophageal muscle that acts as a valve between the stomach and esophagus gets too weak or loose to shut out the acids.
For Pugh, 45, of West Norriton, Pa., the fix was a recently approved device — a tiny necklace of magnetic titanium beads that encircle the lower esophagus. The beads separate slightly during the pressure of swallowing to allow food to pass, then close to prevent the backwash of acid.
Pugh had the LINX Reflux Management System implanted in June during a minimally invasive, one-hour surgery at Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia. It freed him from reflux symptoms that included excruciating heartburn, a sleep-disrupting nighttime cough, and esophageal bleeding. It also liberated him from daily doses of an antacid, a proton pump inhibitor, and other drugs.
“I went into the hospital in the morning, came home at 3 p.m., and that night I had roast beef, a baked potato, and asparagus,” recalled the Continental Bank commercial-loan executive. “I had the procedure on a Friday and was back to work on Monday. This really was a godsend.”
Not all patients have such an easy adjustment. In the pivotal, five-year study that led to Food and Drug Administration approval in March 2012, six of the 100 patients had to have the device removed because of persistent difficulty with swallowing or other complications.
But the ability to remove the LINX is an advantage. The only other surgical treatment for unmanageable reflux, called fundoplication, involves wrapping the upper portion of the stomach (the fundus) around the esophagus and sewing it into place. The surgery is difficult or impossible to reverse, and can have side effects such as bloating, an inability to belch or vomit, and swallowing problems.
Einstein bariatric surgeon Ramsey Dallal, who performed Pugh’s LINX procedure, said only a small minority of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) patients had such severe, hard-to-control reflux that they were candidates for fundoplication or the new device.
“But GERD is so common,” he added, “that we’re talking hundreds of thousands of people.”
For them, GERD can lead to serious complications. They may develop asthma or breathing problems if the acid goes into the lungs. Or Barrett’s esophagus, a tissue abnormality that is a risk factor for esophageal cancer. Or chronic hoarseness.
“I had a patient last year who could barely speak and was going to get fired because he couldn’t talk on the phone,” Dallal said. “After the (LINX) operation, his voice was completely normal.”
The LINX is the invention of Torax Medical Inc., a Shoreview, Minn., company created to find a way to treat what doctors call an “incompetent esophageal sphincter.”
“We knew reflux disease is based on patients’ having a mechanical defect,” said Torax CEO Todd Berg. “But when you start from scratch to develop a device to fix the defect, it’s not obvious what the parameters need to be.”
It took more than 100 animal studies to figure out how much magnetic attraction would allow the titanium beads to separate during swallowing and spring back.
Because of the metal beads, LINX patients cannot have MRI exams. They may also still need to take reflux medications.
The LINX costs the same as fundoplication — $15,000 to $20,000 — but insurers are balking at covering it, Berg said.
“Unfortunately, payers say, ‘We still think it’s investigational,’” Berg said. “When we appeal the refusal, we win more than we lose.”
Einstein, one of 14 centers in the pivotal study, is the only hospital in the Philadelphia area now offering the LINX. But the company, Berg said, hopes it will be more widely available as more physicians are trained to implant the device.
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Acid Reflux

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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Foods That Cause Heartburn

Seattle, Wa (PRWEB) January 25, 2014

The new “Foods That Cause Heartburn” report on the website delivers nutrition tips that are useful for heartburn sufferers. At the beginning of the article, people will get to know some common symptoms of heartburn, such as chest pain, burning in the throat, chronic cough, and sore throat. The author indicates that people should not consume acidic foods, which are oranges, lemons, pineapples, and grapefruits because these foods can trigger heartburn symptoms, especially when consumed on an empty stomach. After that, the article also points out that coffee is a common heartburn trigger food. The high levels of caffeine in coffee may lead to an enhanced secretion of gastric acid in the stomach which can cause acid reflux. People should also avoid drinking alcohol, particularly red wine, in order to prevent acid reflux or heartburn effectively. Beer with low-alcohol content could cause heartburn in some people. Next, the writer reveals that carbonated drinks can promote pressure levels in the stomach, which in turn will enhance the acidic response.

Additionally, the article takes readers through an interesting process of discovering ways to prevent acid reflux symptoms. In this writing, the author advises people that they should avoid eating chocolate to reduce the risk of developing heartburn. In other words, this report also covers many other foods that cause heartburn, including spicy foods, beef, dairy products, tomatoes, pepper, salt, butter, peppermint, cheese, nuts, and avocados. After the “Foods That Cause Heartburn” article was launched, a lot of readers all over the world found a way to improve their knowledge about health issues and prevent heartburn naturally and safely.

Hanh Hoang from the website comments that: “The ‘Foods That Cause Heartburn’ post is really informative, and it contains many nutrition tips on how to prevent acid reflux efficiently. In addition, the information this article delivers is easy-to-understand for most people regardless of their age and their gender.”

Acid Reflux

Bone Meds whitethorn doubly Esophageal Cancer take chances

Cops inch Indianapolis, Indiana, attain the streets armed with a new contraption designed to help them go along down feather on New Year’s Eve revelers.  invented by an Indiana University chemist called Rolla Harger, it’s called the “drunkometer” and it’s the 1st portable device that can placard with some accuracy  how much alcohol a person has inch his or her organisation. Suspected intoxicated drivers burn out into a balloon and their breath is mixed with a chemical solution.  If it turns shadow, they’re likely too intoxicated to military unit. Read more

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Thursday, January 23, 2014

what to eat for acid reflux

Heartburn is a burning sensation that is sometimes painful. May appear at the breastbone or above in the throat or stomach down on itself, usually spread throughout the area from the neck to the abdomen.

The cause of this acidity is the presence of secretions of the stomach (very acidic) to other parts of the digestive system, esophagus, which are not prepared to support this level of acidity, this leaves a burning sensation or irritation.

It may be because the normal acids pass from the stomach into the esophagus, or because there is excess stomach acid. Especially after indigestible meals a brief run back of stomach contents into the esophagus is not uncommon and often occurs even in healthy people, sometimes even daily.  The cleaning mechanism of the esophagus will normally ensure that the acidic stomach contents are quickly transported back into the stomach back.

Most common causes of heartburn

  • Gastroesophageal reflux.

  • Esophageal spasm or contraction.

  • Hiatal hernia.

  • Acidifying drugs or irritation of the gastric mucosa such as aspirin or non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs. 

Care and Treatment

  • Avoid drugs that may be causing heartburn, if not essential. In any case you should consult your doctor about the alternatives in order to put appropriate.

  • In the diet must avoid foods that can stimulate the secretion of stomach acid such as coffee, alcohol, snuff, heavy meals and citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit, etc.)..

  • To prevent reflux is good not to sleep or lie down with food in the stomach.

  • It is recommended not to eat 2 or 3 hours before bedtime and avoid tight clothing.

  • The head of the bed should be raised about 10 to 12 cm. T. Also you should lose weight if necessary.

When to consult your doctor

When heartburn is accompanied by vomiting, especially if they are blood-red or black type coffee grounds.  In this case it can be serious and a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible.

If heartburn is frequent or prolonged or there is weight loss, consult a doctor.

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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

diet for acid reflux

Acid reflux disease is where the liquid contents of the stomach regurgitates into the esophagus. . This sometimes causes heartburn or dysphagia and can cause discomfort to many. However, some changes in eating habits can keep symptoms at a minimum, and with this in mind, the acid reflux diet has been created.

One of the first things the followers of the diet against acid reflux should take into account, is the size of the portions of food consumed. It is recommended that large quantities of food be avoided…Instead smaller meals should be eaten more frequently. This is done so that the stomach is not overloaded and to ensure that acid secretion, which is essential for digestion, can be reduced to a minimum.

Saturated fats are generally thought to be detrimental to the health of most people. This is especially true of those suffering from the disease of gastro-esophageal reflux.  Fatty foods usually remain in the stomach for a long time thus promoting the generation of acid from the stomach to aid in digestion..Fatty foods should be avoided by following a acid diet reflux. In addition, fatty foods promote obesity which leads to increased acid reflux.

We all like certain foods. However, as decreed by the popular adage “too much of anything is good for nothing.. This sentiment is reiterated in the diet against acid reflux, which strongly advises followers to be careful not to overeat. Excess Food consumption always encourages the stomach to produce more acid to help digestion and thus aggravate the discomfort of people with the acid reflux disease.

Alcohol in excess is known to cause liver damage. The Acid Reflux Diet also advises you to keep alcohol consumption to a minimum.. Beer is considered one of the worst offenders in this regard, largely because it stimulates the secretion of acid. Tea, coffee and caffeinated beverages should also be avoided if possible..

Smoking should be avoided if the individual is faced with the symptoms of acid reflux. Smoking weakens the muscles of the esophagus. Chewing gum and eating hard candies are also frowned upon by those who promote anti-acid reflux diet, as these items inadvertently encourage air intake, which in turn causes belching and reflux.

The acid reflux diet recommends consuming complex carbohydrates, either rice, bread or cereal. Such foods joins excess stomach acid, thus minimizing the inconvenience caused by acid reflux disease.. Also, vegetables, lean meats and even most fruits can be consumed with little impact.. Some have found that consumption of citrus aggravate their condition, you may need to avoid them for best results.

Those suffering from acid reflux symptoms can minimize their discomfort with some skills. Diet For Acid Reflux responsible for the much needed direction in this regard, and provides useful guidance to those who until now have been at the mercy of acid reflux.

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Sunday, January 19, 2014

treatment for acid reflux

Acid reflux is a common illness that causes stomach acid and, sometimes, the food inside the stomach flows back into the esophagus because the valve that separates the two bodies is not working properly. Acids inside the stomach are very strong - as strong as the acid from a car battery, so if it comes into the esophagus it can seriously damage it. The stomach lining is protected from acids, but the esophagus is not.

Many people are diagnosed with acid reflux each year and they can choose from many different types of treatments, depending on their diet and lifestyle.

The simplest method of treatment is a slight change in lifestyle and eating habits. The first thing you should do is always have your last meal a few hours before bedtime. It is more likely then not that acid reflux will occur while your lying because it's easier for the stomach contents to reflux due to body position. You can also prevent reflux by raising the side of the bed where your head is. This actually should be done by all people who suffer from acid reflux.

A change in diet is also recommended, because there are certain types of foods that can promote acid reflux. Among these are bubble gum, chocolate and fatty foods.

Smoking can irritate the  walls of the esophagus and  increase the damage the acid does, so you should cease smoking.

There are also many medications that can help to treat acid reflux, such as antacids and special drugs that can prevent reflux and reduce the amount of acid in the stomach.

The last resort for advanced disease or if nothing else works is surgery. Doctors will strengthen the valve between the stomach and esophagus to prevent reflux. Surgery is very effective and many patients are completely cured after surgery.. Sometimes you must take the drugs prescribed after surgery too...Acid reflux surgery is not required often only in severe cases.

Try treating your acid reflux early before heartburn and other symptoms become really annoying. The sooner the treatment begins, the easier it is to cure the disease.

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Thursday, January 16, 2014

cure for acid reflux

Perhaps this article is a bit backward in the fact that I'm going to talk about treatments that do not cure acid reflux. The reason for this is to clear up some common misconceptions about heartburn in general. The power of advertising is so strong that people will believe just about anything that's on tv these days.

So I'd like to go through and explain the many different over-the-counter medications that claim to stop heartburn, and talk about what I mean when I say they do not cure acid reflux. For reference purposes, know that when I refer to 'OTC', I'm talking about over-the-counter medications.

In general, OTC's provide relatively fast relief to the pain you feel by aiding digestion or decreasing the acidity in your system. The unfortunate thing about these is that they always seem to come with side effects. What is the point of trading one source of pain for another? How is that referred to as a remedy for acid reflux?

The point I am making is that OTC's are not only the least effective cure for acid reflux, they are also big factors for creating other problems as well. For instance, antacids relieve your symptoms fast enough, however, they also stimulate the release of a hormone called gastrin that stimulates stomach acid. Talk about counterproductive.

Foaming agents are another way to help cover your stomach to prevent acid reflux. Unfortunately, if your esophagus is damaged, these agents are useless. And most people who suffer with severe heartburn do have damaged esophagus tubes.

Pepto Bismol temporarily soothes your symptoms of this painful condition. The most common side effect for this so-called remedy is ringing in the ears. Frankly, I'm not sure which I would rather have to deal with. But the point I am laboring to make is that what if we do not have to deal with either? What if there was actually a home remedy for acid reflux that could cure it and still not give you any side effects?

Dare to dream. I'm telling you that it is ok to allow your mind to explore the possibilities of a world of overall health and well being. It's true. It exists. The key to an effective cure for acid reflux is to use the natural approach.

Our body's are amazing. They are literally designed to heal themselves. We get in our own way when we solicit drugs to heal us. Drugs only push the problem deeper and smother the symptoms with new ones. Natural methods, however, can cure heartburn forever.

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cure for acid reflux

Perhaps this article is a bit backward in the fact that I'm going to talk about treatments that do not cure acid reflux. The reason for this is to clear up some common misconceptions about heartburn in general. The power of advertising is so strong that people will believe just about anything that's on tv these days.

So I'd like to go through and explain the many different over-the-counter medications that claim to stop heartburn, and talk about what I mean when I say they do not cure acid reflux. For reference purposes, know that when I refer to 'OTC', I'm talking about over-the-counter medications.

In general, OTC's provide relatively fast relief to the pain you feel by aiding digestion or decreasing the acidity in your system. The unfortunate thing about these is that they always seem to come with side effects. What is the point of trading one source of pain for another? How is that referred to as a remedy for acid reflux?

The point I am making is that OTC's are not only the least effective cure for acid reflux, they are also big factors for creating other problems as well. For instance, antacids relieve your symptoms fast enough, however, they also stimulate the release of a hormone called gastrin that stimulates stomach acid. Talk about counterproductive.

Foaming agents are another way to help cover your stomach to prevent acid reflux. Unfortunately, if your esophagus is damaged, these agents are useless. And most people who suffer with severe heartburn do have damaged esophagus tubes.

Pepto Bismol temporarily soothes your symptoms of this painful condition. The most common side effect for this so-called remedy is ringing in the ears. Frankly, I'm not sure which I would rather have to deal with. But the point I am laboring to make is that what if we do not have to deal with either? What if there was actually a home remedy for acid reflux that could cure it and still not give you any side effects?

Dare to dream. I'm telling you that it is ok to allow your mind to explore the possibilities of a world of overall health and well being. It's true. It exists. The key to an effective cure for acid reflux is to use the natural approach.

Our body's are amazing. They are literally designed to heal themselves. We get in our own way when we solicit drugs to heal us. Drugs only push the problem deeper and smother the symptoms with new ones. Natural methods, however, can cure heartburn forever.

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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

acid reflux in pregnancy

Acid reflux pregnancy is something that most women are not prepared, but with a bit of knowledge that can reduce or eliminate reflux pregnancy. Amazingly, there are many women experience acid reflux and heartburn during pregnancy. Here I describe the things they can do to eliminate your symptoms of acid reflux during pregnancy.

Allow me to begin by saying that good and bad news about acid reflux during pregnancy. First the good news ... is usually less and decided to independence after the first month or more after birth. Hormone levels back to normal and the body begins to return to normal even. Now the bad news is that during pregnancy by about 25% of women has heartburn or acid reflux on a daily basis. Come the third trimester about 75% of these women experience some kind of severe heartburn or acid reflux during pregnancy.

Pregnancy and acid reflux occur for several reasons:

A changing hormone levels, especially progesterone, can the digestive system. Usually what happens is a relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which makes the flow of stomach acid into the esophagus. When the LES relaxes, it's easier for stomach acid and food to reflux into the esophagus and throat.

As the fetus grows and develops, it continues to contribute more space on your body. While the body of the woman agree to these changes will reflect that usually causes more pressure on the stomach. This in turn causes the stomach acid and food is forced into ERP and then into the esophagus and throat with acid reflux during pregnancy.

Changes in lifestyle of many women go through pregnancy is an ideal catalyst for acid reflux and pregnancy.

Tight clothing, heavy meals, and send the green light, many women eat what we want to be pregnant; anyone can contribute a pregnancy reflux. Combine reflux and pregnancy, and you can get a woman very uncomfortable. This can be corrected by the whole simply do not. "I know it sounds a bit cheesy, but it really is that simple.

Probably the biggest change that a woman can do to control their reflux during pregnancy, changes in sleeping position. As I said in my article on acid reflux pillow, pillow or a wedge of reflux is mentioned ideal to help acid reflux higher night.

Well, that's not as bad as it seems his pregnant wife. The following tips will significantly reduce heartburn and acid reflux during pregnancy, but not eliminate.

- Keep your weight at a healthy weight. The weight and fat is more stress and pressure on the stomach. Follow your doctor during your pregnancy weight gain.

- Ken and stay away from foods trigger heartburn. Eating is the most common reaction of chocolate, spicy foods, citrus fruits, mustard, tomatoes, and fatty foods, fried and spicy foods.

- It is recommended that pregnant women to drink more water at least 8-10 glasses throughout the day. If the water only for meals, the stomach is not open to more pressure on the LES Extended time, so be sure to drink water between meals.

- Do not eat large meals. It is proposed; with numerous small meals throughout the day is the best.

- Make sure at least three hours of rest after the last meal before they are on the bed.

- When sleeping the head of your bed for at least six to eight inches. Try sleeping with a head and shoulders heartburn or acid reflux pillow-top is also known as a pillow corner.

- Take the time and access your meal. Chew your food thoroughly to help avoid heartburn and acid reflux.

- Stay away from caffeinated beverages such as tea, coffee and cold drinks. Many of them do, so you can relax and acid into the esophagus back.

- Bend your knees, not great. This prevents any additional pressure on the stomach.

- Try to sit with good posture and fatigue. The fact bends to push the stomach to more pressure on the lesson to be esophagus.

- Stay away from alcoholic beverages. Since the caffeine type drinks, a tendency to ERP, the heartburn and acid reflux may have to recover quickly.

- Do not wear tight clothing. The narrow waist and stomach heartburn triggers...

- No smoking. It should be for many reasons, of heartburn or acid reflux during pregnancy is obvious.

Having acid reflux or heartburn while pregnant can be painful for some women, but it doesn't need to be. Most if not all heartburn and acid reflux symptoms during pregnancy can be eliminated if you follow the above advice. Acid reflux and pregnancy or heartburn and pregnancy don't have to define the nine months while your pregnant... so do yourself a favor and take control now. As always, check with your doctor to see which approach works best for you.

The eBook "Cure Your Heartburn" includes everything you need for heartburn, acid reflux or stomach problems after a natural way, is the ideal for pregnant women. It is definitely worth a look.

If like me you do not want your precious time to spend on the computer on site for more... on the website of heartburn, indigestion, acid reflux, etc. learn then you should think on a single source of information. During my research I have several publications that all the correct information on the healing of m

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Monday, January 13, 2014

acid reflux in pregnancy

Acid reflux pregnancy is something that most women are not prepared, but with a bit of knowledge that can reduce or eliminate reflux pregnancy. Amazingly, there are many women experience acid reflux and heartburn during pregnancy. Here I describe the things they can do to eliminate your symptoms of acid reflux during pregnancy.

Allow me to begin by saying that good and bad news about acid reflux during pregnancy. First the good news ... is usually less and decided to independence after the first month or more after birth. Hormone levels back to normal and the body begins to return to normal even. Now the bad news is that during pregnancy by about 25% of women has heartburn or acid reflux on a daily basis. Come the third trimester about 75% of these women experience some kind of severe heartburn or acid reflux during pregnancy.

Pregnancy and acid reflux occur for several reasons:

A changing hormone levels, especially progesterone, can the digestive system. Usually what happens is a relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which makes the flow of stomach acid into the esophagus. When the LES relaxes, it's easier for stomach acid and food to reflux into the esophagus and throat.

As the fetus grows and develops, it continues to contribute more space on your body. While the body of the woman agree to these changes will reflect that usually causes more pressure on the stomach. This in turn causes the stomach acid and food is forced into ERP and then into the esophagus and throat with acid reflux during pregnancy.

Changes in lifestyle of many women go through pregnancy is an ideal catalyst for acid reflux and pregnancy.

Tight clothing, heavy meals, and send the green light, many women eat what we want to be pregnant; anyone can contribute a pregnancy reflux. Combine reflux and pregnancy, and you can get a woman very uncomfortable. This can be corrected by the whole simply do not. "I know it sounds a bit cheesy, but it really is that simple.

Probably the biggest change that a woman can do to control their reflux during pregnancy, changes in sleeping position. As I said in my article on acid reflux pillow, pillow or a wedge of reflux is mentioned ideal to help acid reflux higher night.

Well, that's not as bad as it seems his pregnant wife. The following tips will significantly reduce heartburn and acid reflux during pregnancy, but not eliminate.

- Keep your weight at a healthy weight. The weight and fat is more stress and pressure on the stomach. Follow your doctor during your pregnancy weight gain.

- Ken and stay away from foods trigger heartburn. Eating is the most common reaction of chocolate, spicy foods, citrus fruits, mustard, tomatoes, and fatty foods, fried and spicy foods.

- It is recommended that pregnant women to drink more water at least 8-10 glasses throughout the day. If the water only for meals, the stomach is not open to more pressure on the LES Extended time, so be sure to drink water between meals.

- Do not eat large meals. It is proposed; with numerous small meals throughout the day is the best.

- Make sure at least three hours of rest after the last meal before they are on the bed.

- When sleeping the head of your bed for at least six to eight inches. Try sleeping with a head and shoulders heartburn or acid reflux pillow-top is also known as a pillow corner.

- Take the time and access your meal. Chew your food thoroughly to help avoid heartburn and acid reflux.

- Stay away from caffeinated beverages such as tea, coffee and cold drinks. Many of them do, so you can relax and acid into the esophagus back.

- Bend your knees, not great. This prevents any additional pressure on the stomach.

- Try to sit with good posture and fatigue. The fact bends to push the stomach to more pressure on the lesson to be esophagus.

- Stay away from alcoholic beverages. Since the caffeine type drinks, a tendency to ERP, the heartburn and acid reflux may have to recover quickly.

- Do not wear tight clothing. The narrow waist and stomach heartburn triggers...

- No smoking. It should be for many reasons, of heartburn or acid reflux during pregnancy is obvious.

Having acid reflux or heartburn while pregnant can be painful for some women, but it doesn't need to be. Most if not all heartburn and acid reflux symptoms during pregnancy can be eliminated if you follow the above advice. Acid reflux and pregnancy or heartburn and pregnancy don't have to define the nine months while your pregnant... so do yourself a favor and take control now. As always, check with your doctor to see which approach works best for you.

The eBook "Cure Your Heartburn" includes everything you need for heartburn, acid reflux or stomach problems after a natural way, is the ideal for pregnant women. It is definitely worth a look.

If like me you do not want your precious time to spend on the computer on site for more... on the website of heartburn, indigestion, acid reflux, etc. learn then you should think on a single source of information. During my research I have several publications that all the correct information on the healing of m

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Friday, January 10, 2014

acid reflux in children

Acid reflux disease, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or acid reflux, is one of the most common conditions seen in men and women alike.. Acid reflux disease is a condition that occurs when stomach acid flows into the esophagus,  due to some abnormal conditions.

In most cases, this occurs due to malfunction of the muscles of the lower esophageal sphincter.. However, there are several other factors that can lead to acid reflux disease.  Some of the common causes of acid reflux include poor diet and eating habits, smoking, alcoholism and diseases such as obesity, hiatal hernia, etc.

Acid reflux disease should be treated immediately before it becomes chronic. Chronic acid reflux can put a person at risk of developing stomach or esophageal cancer. Therefore, it is essential to identify the symptoms of acid reflux disease immediately.  Let's look in detail.

The Symptoms of Acid Reflux Disease

It should be noted that heartburn and acid reflux terms are used interchangeably, which is incorrect. Acid reflux is a disease, while heartburn is a symptom of it. Heartburn, stomach discomfort, bitter taste in the mouth are the symptoms of prominent acid reflux disease.. Most acid reflux symptoms in women, men and children are similar. However one can find small differences in some of the symptoms.

The following are the symptoms of acid reflux in children and adults:


Symptoms of Acid Reflux in Children

Irritability and constant crying are the symptoms of acid reflux in children that one has to look out for -  Infants and children may also experience chest pain and heartburn...However they may not be able to explain these conditions.

Apart from these, the following are the other symptoms of acid reflux in infants and children:

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Upset stomach

  • Loss of appetite

  • Constant cough

  • Stuffiness

  • Wheezing

  • Symptoms of Acid Reflux in Adults

The following are the symptoms of acid reflux in women and men:

  • Acidity

  • Chest pain

  • Abdominal pain

  • Sore throat

  • Cough

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Dyspepsia (indigestion)

  • Difficulty swallowing


On the other hand, pregnancy is one of the most common conditions that cause acid reflux disease in women. . During pregnancy, increases the size of your uterus pressing on the digestive organs and muscles of the lower esophageal sphincter.. This leads to acid reflux disease...Symptoms of acid reflux in pregnant women are similar to those mentioned above.  As nausea and vomiting are common symptoms experienced during pregnancy it may be overlooked.  But, women should be careful and watch out for other symptoms of acid reflux disease to diagnose and treat the condition quickly.

Acid reflux treatment involves the use of medications such as antacids, H2 blockers or inhibitors of PP.. In addition, serum that has or coconut water is also one of the best natural remedies for acid reflux. These medicines and remedies help in the rapid but temporary relief of symptoms of acid reflux disease.. For permanent relief, it is essential to follow some preventive measures.. First, you must follow a diet to prevent acid reflux occurrence in the future.

Secondly, a change in eating habits and have meals on time, avoid eating spicy foods too, especially at night.  Moreover, reducing smoking and alcohol can help prevent acid reflux as it increases stomach acid.. Pregnant women should consult a doctor before going to a medication or making any dietary changes.

This was a brief information about the symptoms of acid reflux disease,  some causes and treatment methods.

Finally, as a final note, we can say that it is possible to keep this condition at bay just by making some  simple changes in your diet and lifestyle.

Please Be careful!

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Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Acid Reflux although it appears to be a common problem can lead to more serious medical conditions requiring hospitalization and even surgery. Adequate care must be taken with regard to the disease.

There are several medications that can be taken as a relief to this situation, one of the most common drugs are antagonists of histamine receptors, and these drugs really work, because it reduces the amount of acid the stomach produces. Under conditions where the stomach produces excessive acid and acid comes up into the esophagus. A histamine antagonist is one of the most effective drugs because it stimulates the production of acid released into the stomach wall. Histamine antagonists work by blocking histamine receptors. This in turn prevents histamine from stimulating acid-producing cells in the stomach.

Another drug used to treat acid reflux is antacids. Antacids are a reality and, therefore, the neutralizer to neutralize the acid comes into contact with stomach acids. The best way to take antacids is approximately one hour after meals or just before that I think will be symptoms of acid reflex. Food Food slows the emptying of the stomach and, therefore, the antacid stays in the stomach for a longer period of time. A second dose of antacids should be taken two hours after a meal. Antacids may be aluminum, magnesium or calcium based.

Promotability agents are also used as an effective medicine in providing relief to acid reflux patients. They speed up digestion and prevent the retention of acid in the stomach for a longer time.

Inhibitors of proton pump are a group of drugs that can be taken with prescription from a qualified doctor. These drugs prevent the release of excess acid in the stomach or intestine. Actually inhibitors proton pump block acid secretion cell secretion of acid in the stomach. Inhibitors of proton pump are considered better then histamine antagonist, and to stop acid production better and for longer periods of time.

Foam barriers have also proven effective treatment for acid reflux. These pills are really antacid and an agent of the foaming. As the tablet is broken in the stomach, which produces foam, which floats on top of the stomach fluid. This foam acts as a physical barrier to reflux of fluid. Furthermore, the antacid in the foam neutralizes acid that comes in contact with the foam.

Acid Reflux sometimes reaches a level that is incurable by the mere administration of drugs in these cases require surgery in the treatment of Acid Reflux. Fundoplication is a surgical procedure and effective is the treatment of acid reflux. In this surgery hiatal any hernical bag is pulled below the diaphragm and stitched there. The opening in the diaphragm through which the esophagus passes is tightened around the esophagus. Also, the upper stomach is wrapped around the lower esophagus to esophageal sphincter artificially. This surgery provides excellent relief for acid reflux patients for five to ten years.

Another acid reflux treatment is the endoscopic technique. Endoscopy also involves tightening the esophageal sphincter. Frequency radio waves are also used to treat Acid Reflux. . Frequency radio waves cause scarring under the lining of the esophagus and tissues get damaged.. When reducing the scar tissue surrounding the strip, and consequently, tightens the sphincter and the area above it. Endoscopy is also conducted by injecting a material into the esophageal wall in the field of LES.

One of the best treatments for acid reflux is to change your eating habits. Poor eating habits often lead to Acid Reflux.One should take smaller dinner service rather than reducing the problem of acid reflux, to a large extent. You must also raise the upper body when in bed. This raises the elevation above the esophagus and stomach partially restores gravity, which in turn reduces acid reflux problems.

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Saturday, January 4, 2014

acid reflux

Acid Reflux although it appears to be a common problem can lead to more serious medical conditions requiring hospitalization and even surgery. Adequate care must be taken with regard to the disease.

There are several medications that can be taken as a relief to this situation, one of the most common drugs are antagonists of histamine receptors, and these drugs really work, because it reduces the amount of acid the stomach produces. Under conditions where the stomach produces excessive acid and acid comes up into the esophagus. A histamine antagonist is one of the most effective drugs because it stimulates the production of acid released into the stomach wall. Histamine antagonists work by blocking histamine receptors. This in turn prevents histamine from stimulating acid-producing cells in the stomach.

Another drug used to treat acid reflux is antacids. Antacids are a reality and, therefore, the neutralizer to neutralize the acid comes into contact with stomach acids. The best way to take antacids is approximately one hour after meals or just before that I think will be symptoms of acid reflex. Food Food slows the emptying of the stomach and, therefore, the antacid stays in the stomach for a longer period of time. A second dose of antacids should be taken two hours after a meal. Antacids may be aluminum, magnesium or calcium based.

Promotability agents are also used as an effective medicine in providing relief to acid reflux patients. They speed up digestion and prevent the retention of acid in the stomach for a longer time.

Inhibitors of proton pump are a group of drugs that can be taken with prescription from a qualified doctor. These drugs prevent the release of excess acid in the stomach or intestine. Actually inhibitors proton pump block acid secretion cell secretion of acid in the stomach. Inhibitors of proton pump are considered better then histamine antagonist, and to stop acid production better and for longer periods of time.

Foam barriers have also proven effective treatment for acid reflux. These pills are really antacid and an agent of the foaming. As the tablet is broken in the stomach, which produces foam, which floats on top of the stomach fluid. This foam acts as a physical barrier to reflux of fluid. Furthermore, the antacid in the foam neutralizes acid that comes in contact with the foam.

Acid Reflux sometimes reaches a level that is incurable by the mere administration of drugs in these cases require surgery in the treatment of Acid Reflux. Fundoplication is a surgical procedure and effective is the treatment of acid reflux. In this surgery hiatal any hernical bag is pulled below the diaphragm and stitched there. The opening in the diaphragm through which the esophagus passes is tightened around the esophagus. Also, the upper stomach is wrapped around the lower esophagus to esophageal sphincter artificially. This surgery provides excellent relief for acid reflux patients for five to ten years.

Another acid reflux treatment is the endoscopic technique. Endoscopy also involves tightening the esophageal sphincter. Frequency radio waves are also used to treat Acid Reflux. . Frequency radio waves cause scarring under the lining of the esophagus and tissues get damaged.. When reducing the scar tissue surrounding the strip, and consequently, tightens the sphincter and the area above it. Endoscopy is also conducted by injecting a material into the esophageal wall in the field of LES.

One of the best treatments for acid reflux is to change your eating habits. Poor eating habits often lead to Acid Reflux.One should take smaller dinner service rather than reducing the problem of acid reflux, to a large extent. You must also raise the upper body when in bed. This raises the elevation above the esophagus and stomach partially restores gravity, which in turn reduces acid reflux problems.

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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Acid Reflux

Gastric acid flows into the gullet (esophagus)  from the stomach.  This acid is produced in the stomach and plays a role in the digestion of food.. The stomach is protected against this strong acid (hydrochloric acid) by the gastric mucosa.. The esophagus has no such protective lining and when the acid enters the esophagus it can bring on a wall damage or inflammation.

Acid Reflux Symptoms include: Acid Reflux Symptoms include:

  • Heartburn: a burning sensation behind the breast bone in the throat.

  • Regurgitation (return of food in the mouth). 

  • Chest pain. Chest pain.

  • Swallowing problems (dysphagia). 

  • Hoarseness, nocturnal cough, asthma and dental erosion (because the acid in the throat, mouth and airways of the lungs).

How do you get Acid Reflux?

At the bottom of the esophagus is a flap (lower esophageal sphincter) which ensures there is normally no stomach acid moving into the esophagus... Too much acid or the sphincter not working properly can cause stomach acid flowing into the esophagus .. This is called acid reflux...

If there are persistent acid reflux is called reflux disease (Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease abbreviated as GERD). The esophagus can be damaged by prolonged exposure to stomach acid and burn.. This is called reflux esophagitis.

How serious is Acid Reflux?

In a chronic inflammation of the esophagus there is ulcers,scarring and narrowing of the esophagus. This can give you swallowing problems and pain when passing food or even liquids.

The severity of the complaints is not a good measure of damage in the esophagus: one with relatively few symptoms may erntisge inflammation and someone with a lot of complaints not inflamed esophagus.

In the long run can lead to esophageal acid reflux. In the long run it can lead to esophageal acid reflux. It is therefore important, when symptoms persist, consult your doctor. It is therefore important, when Symptoms persist, consult your doctor.

How long does Acid Reflux last?

Some people have only Occasionally suffer from acid reflux while for others its a daily, more serious and chronic problem.

How is Acid Reflux Treated?

The treatment is generally aimed at reducing the amount of stomach acid with medicines. This can bind the stomach acid (antacids) or to inhibit gastric acid (antacids).

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