Sunday, February 28, 2021

These Foods Will Help With Excess Bloating

These Foods Will Help With Excess Bloating    

Some foods produce too much stomach gases, which result in bloating and also poor digestion, added to an uneasy sensation. There are foods that will help avoid this. For example, garlic has anti-bacterial properties that will help in controlling the bad stomach bacteria. Ginger can stimulate the production of digestive juices, which helps to move the food. Also, oats can help with regular bowel movements. Click here for more details.


Friday, February 26, 2021

These Foods Will Help To Get Rid Of Acid Reflux

These Foods Will Help To Get Rid Of Acid Reflux    

Acidity is not only treated by antacids. There are foods that will help get rid of it, such as bananas, which are a source of potassium, coconut water because it changes the body’s pH from acidic to alkaline, and milk, because its calcium prevents the acid buildup. More details click here.


Thyroid Symptoms Can Be Caused By Other Health Conditions

Thyroid Symptoms Can Be Caused By Other Health Conditions    

They Can Be Confused With Hair Loss, Constipation, Anxiety And Sleep Apnea    

The symptoms of thyroid malfunction can be caused by many other health conditions. Also, in the case of young people, doctors usually don’t screen patients for thyroid conditions. Knowing the symptoms will give the patient an idea of the possible cause, and talk it with the specialist. The most common is hair loss, due to the fact that the thyroid controls hair growth, and also can lead to hair thinning. Constipation is another symptom because hypothyroidism can lower the speed of bowel movements, and also may cause memory loss. Other symptoms are anxiety and depression, depending on if the thyroid is underactive or overactive. Hypothyroidism can also cause extreme fatigue, which is also a symptom of anemia and sleep apnea. Check all the symptoms of thyroid malfunction. Additional details click here.


Thursday, February 25, 2021

Heartburn Might Be Worsened And Relieved By Certain Foods

Heartburn Might Be Worsened And Relieved By Certain Foods    

If you have heartburn, there are foods that will worsen it, but there are also others that will decrease it. Among the foods to avoid are chocolate, which has caffeine, fats, and cocoa, all of which produce acid reflux. Also, alcohol increases the production of acid. On the other side, bananas are beneficial for heartburn because it forms a protective lining on the esophagus. Check the full list. Additional information click here.


Check This Product For Heartburn Relief

Check This Product For Heartburn Relief    

Heartburn sufferers have a new natural alternative for treating it. Aloe vera is usually mentioned in the beauty industry, but it can also vitamins and amino acids that help to treat acid reflux. More details click here.


Heartburn, Bloating, And Cramps Are The Symptoms Of Poor Diet

Heartburn, Bloating, And Cramps Are The Symptoms Of Poor Diet    

Many people have had a poor diet most all of their lives and have suffered the effects of acid reflux, bloating and cramps. The problem is that for these people, these stomach conditions have been normal and did not know that it could be solved by changing the food in their meals. More Information click here.


Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Heartburn Is Common At Old Age

Heartburn Is Common At Old Age    

The Cause Is Weakened Muscles And Medications    

Heartburn is more frequent as a person ages. According to studies, 25% of the people over 75 years takes heartburn medication. Among the causes is the weakened muscles due to old age, and the esophageal valve also called the sphincter, that prevents the return of the food matter to the esophagus is a muscle. Another cause is weight gain, which can also weaken the sphincter. There is also medication that can cause heartburn such as antidepressants, opiates for pain relief, and drugs for the treatment of high blood pressure. There is also an increase of esophageal cancer if the person is Caucasian, has excess weight, and has been a smoker. Additional info click here.


Mint Can Reduce Bloating, Removing The Excess Stomach Gas

Mint Can Reduce Bloating, Removing The Excess Stomach Gas    

It Can Also Reduce The Symptoms Of Abdominal Pain Caused By Eating Spicy Foods    

Stomach bloating is caused by soda drinks, or by eating foods such as cruciferous vegetables that cause a swelling in the abdominal area. However, this can be managed with mint tea. Mint contains a substance called menthol, which helps normalize stomach contractions. Also, the natural oils in mint aid in breaking down and removing the gas from the gastrointestinal system. Also, mint tea can contain peppermint, which soothes the symptoms of bloating, and relieves abdominal pain. According to a study, peppermint can also activate an anti-pain channel in the intestine, reducing the abdominal pain associated with eating spicy foods. More Information click here.


Learn About The Real Causes Of Acid Reflux

Learn About The Real Causes Of Acid Reflux    

Most people believe that acid reflux is caused by an excess of production of stomach acid. However, research has shown that most adults do not produce enough stomach acid and that lifestyle plays a major role in acid reflux symptoms. So what are the main causes? The most important is stress, followed by overuse of antibiotics, and excessive alcohol, among others. So how can it be avoided? Click here for more details.


Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Peppermint Oil Great For Sinusitis, IBS And Acid Reflux

Peppermint Oil Great For Sinusitis, IBS And Acid Reflux    

Peppermint has many health uses. The essential oil that results from it has no side effects and it is 100% natural. It can be used to relieve sinusitis and cold symptoms, inhaling it can give you an energy boost and can help with irritable bowel syndrome and acid reflux. Check the full list. Additional details click here.


Decaffeinated Coffee Has Health Benefits

Decaffeinated Coffee Has Health Benefits    

It Lowers The Risk Of Heartburn, Anxiety, And High Blood Pressure.    

Decaffeinated coffee is obtained from a process that removes 97% of caffeine. It contains 3 milligrams of caffeine per cup, while normal coffee has 85 milligrams. Also, it is known that coffee is a great source of antioxidants. Decaffeinated coffee does not have the same amount of antioxidants, but it has several benefits. Studies have proven to increase the performance of cognition-related tasks in la animals. Also, it lowers the risk of developing rectal cancer. It also lowers risk factors, such as inflammation and depression, lowering the mortality rate. And one of the main benefits is related to caffeine intolerance, which results in acid reflux. heartburn, and gastric issues. It also decreases the side effects of regular coffee, such as anxiety, fatigue, high blood pressure, and sleeplessness. There are also medications that can have a negative effect if taken with caffeine. In these cases, decaf is a healthier choice. Also, coffee has been related to a lower risk of conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, in these cases, both regular coffee and decaf have shown positive results. More info click here.


Unnecessary Prescriptions Of PPIs Are Getting More Common

Unnecessary Prescriptions Of PPIs Are Getting More Common    

The most commonly prescribed acid reflux drugs are called Proton-Pump Inhibitors, which have been designed for short-term relief. However, when used for a long time, can have serious side effects. It has been found that doctors are prescribing them for an extended period, or to treat conditions that are unfamiliar with their intended use. Click here for more info.


Monday, February 22, 2021

Dealing With Excess Digestive Gasses And Flatulence

Dealing With Excess Digestive Gasses And Flatulence    

Among Its Causes Are Sodas, Certain Vegetables, And A Bacterial Imbalance In The Intestine    

Even though they are embarrassing for most people, gas and bloating is completely normal, and occur up to 25 times per day. They are caused by gas in the digestive system, which can be a by-product of the bacteria that contribute to the digestive process, or taken when eating too fast or drinking sodas, among others. However, there are ways to prevent excess gas. Among these are peppermint oil, which has a relaxing effect, and ginger, which has compounds that help in the breakdown of the gas, and also contributes to bowel movements. It is also important to limit the ingestion of cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, where are certain vegetables, which contain substances that generate sulfur gas. Other causes of intestinal bacteria that produce excess gas in the digestive process. This can be dealt with the ingestion of probiotics which are bacteria that will compensate for the excess fermentation. Also, beans have been always related to excess gasses. This is because they contain indigestible carbohydrates. Its effect can be lowered by soaking the beans in water the night before. More info click here.


New Diagnostic Procedure Increases The Detection Of Precancerous Cells In The Esophagus

New Diagnostic Procedure Increases The Detection Of Precancerous Cells In The Esophagus    

These Result Of The Continued Exposure To Stomach Acid, As A Result Of Untreated Acid Reflux    

Acid reflux occurs when the acidic food matter returns to the esophagus. If untreated, it can damage the delicate tissue in the esophagus, leading to a condition called Barrett’s esophagus, which leads to the development of precancerous cells in the digestive system. This can also result in esophageal cancer, which has a low survival rate. The procedure to diagnose it includes a biopsy of the esophagus. There is now a new procedure for performing the biopsy, which consists of a diagnostic tool in the form of a brush that scrapes a large surface of the esophagus. This new technique increases the detection of precancerous cells by 80%, compared to traditional methods. This procedure allows sampling up to 70% of the affected area, compared to traditional pinch biopsies, which can only cover a small percentage. Additional information click here.


Excessive Coffee Ingestion Can Lead To A Caffeine Hangover

Excessive Coffee Ingestion Can Lead To A Caffeine Hangover    

Among The Symptoms Are Sleep Disorders, Headaches, Acid Reflux, Excess Anxiety, And Heart Palpitations    

Sometimes a deadline, final exams, or preparing a presentation can demand us working late for several nights. Most think about avoiding sleepiness with a good cup of coffee. And when one cup is not enough, the solution may be two or three more until the job is done. But what happens with the body when there is excessive caffeine ingestion? It can suffer from a caffeine hangover. People have different degrees of tolerance for alcohol. The same happens with caffeine. One symptom is a strong headache, however, caffeine is included in many headache medications. Specialists believe that excess caffeine can increase the risk of headache due to medication overuse. Another symptom is insomnia, even after many hours of taking the last cup. This is because the metabolism slows down with age, delaying the absorption of caffeine. The heart also can suffer, with a fast rate or palpitations. Excess caffeine in the body can affect the gastrointestinal system, promoting acid secretion in the stomach, and relaxing the gastroesophageal valve, which causes the food matter to return to the esophagus and throat, causing heartburn. In the case of patients already suffering from heartburn, it worsens this condition. Too much coffee also causes excess anxiety by stimulating the release of the hormone cortisol, which sets the body in a fight-or-flight situation. More info click here.


Sunday, February 21, 2021

If You Have These Symptoms, Don’t Delay Your Visit To The Doctor

If You Have These Symptoms, Don’t Delay Your Visit To The Doctor    

There are some persistent symptoms that might be seen as not threatening, but in the long run, they can probably lead to a more serious condition. In the case of men, these symptoms are uncomfortable and try to delay the visit to the doctor. Some of these are stress, erectile dysfunction and a lump in the genital area. Also, a persistent cough can be caused by asthma or even acid reflux. More details. More Information click here.


Friday, February 19, 2021

Unnecessary Prescriptions Of PPIs Are Getting More Common

Unnecessary Prescriptions Of PPIs Are Getting More Common    

The most commonly prescribed acid reflux drugs are called Proton-Pump Inhibitors, which have been designed for short-term relief. However, when used for a long time, can have serious side effects. It has been found that doctors are prescribing them for an extended period, or to treat conditions that are unfamiliar with their intended use. Click here for more info.


Simple Formula To Avoid Nighttime Acid Reflux

Simple Formula To Avoid Nighttime Acid Reflux    

It is known that acid reflux disrupts sleep, which will result in poor regeneration of the mind and body, and a sensation of fatigue the next day. This simple formula will help you avoiding acid reflux at night and other things that may interrupt a good night’s sleep. More details click here.


Thursday, February 18, 2021

Are Probiotics Really Healthy For The Digestive Process?

Are Probiotics Really Healthy For The Digestive Process?    

Our digestive systems have bacteria that helps with digestion. So it makes sense to eat foods that will help these bacteria in the digestive process. These foods are called probiotics, but the types of bacteria are diverse and the foods must be stored at certain temperatures to have an effect. Also, there is limited research on probiotics. So what to look in probiotic foods? Click here for more information.


Natural Ways To Detox Your Body

Natural Ways To Detox Your Body    

Unless you have an all-natural diet with vegetables grown in your garden, your diet will include processed foods, meat, vegetables with pesticides, among others. So it is necessary to detox your body every once in a while. There are natural ways to do it, such as drinking lemon water, dry brushing to exfoliate the skin, and probiotics for digestive health. More details click here.


Avoid These Poor Habits And Get Rid Of Bloating

Avoid These Poor Habits And Get Rid Of Bloating    

Bloating is the uncomfortable sensation of having your stomach too full. It is caused by certain foods, but also by poor habits. One of them is not chewing the food properly, which leads to undigested food since the saliva does not mix properly with the food. Other is eating fatty food in excess, which results in the food staying too much time in the intestine. More Information click here.


Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Craving For A Quick Bite At Night - Is It Good For Your Health?

Craving For A Quick Bite At Night - Is It Good For Your Health?    

Some people believe that eating late will cause excess weight, or will cause heartburn. However, there is no relation between obesity and eating at night. Most of the late-night cravings are caused not by hunger, but by anxiety, boredom, stress, or fatigue, and instead of eating healthy food, people choose high-calorie snacks like ice cream or potato chips. In any case, late eating will result in acid reflux. Additional info click here.


Acid Reflux In Pregnancy Can Be Soothed

Acid Reflux In Pregnancy Can Be Soothed    

Avoid, Such As Fried Foods, Sodas, Chocolate, Caffeine, And Processed Meats    

Pregnancy has many issues, such as morning sickness, and nausea. Heartburn is also present and even though it cannot be completely avoided, it can be soothed. It is a sensation in which the food matter in the stomach returns to the esophagus, and, in some cases, to the throat, leaving a sour or bitter flavor in the mouth. There are two main factors. The first one is hormonal, in which the elevated levels of progesterone slows digestion and relaxes the muscle that controls the valve between the stomach and the esophagus, called esophageal sphincter. The other is physical, in which the growing baby displaces the organs, including the stomach. These conditions disappear after birth. However, there are ways to manage it, reducing its severity. Even though there are medications for treating heartburn and acid reflux, some women may prefer a drug-free approach, such as keeping a food diary, in order to track which foods cause heartburn. Avoiding common food triggers also works, such as spicy and fried foods, processed meats, chocolate, sodas and caffeine. Another idea is eating meals in smaller portions, more frequently, in order to have easier and faster digestion, among others. Medication includes antacids, which are considered safe in pregnancy, H2 blockers, which relieve heartburn by decreasing the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, and proton pump inhibitors.


After A Full Meal, You Don’t Have To Feel Bloated

After A Full Meal, You Don’t Have To Feel Bloated    

Sometimes the occasion presents and we can’t resist a large meal. This leads to bloating, reflux, even nausea. So how to avoid this? One of them is with proper hydration - water helps to process the food, while alcohol slows down digestion. Click here for more info.


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Vocal Cords Can Be Damaged By Excessive Smoking And Acid Reflux

Vocal Cords Can Be Damaged By Excessive Smoking And Acid Reflux    

The Acid May Also Reach The Oral Cavity, Causing Bad Breath And Affecting The Tooth Enamel    

Damage to the vocal cords can seriously affect the ability to communicate properly. The most common cause is yelling or screaming too much as in a musical concert or a sports event. It can also be damaged due to health conditions caused by cold weather, such as a cold or bronchitis. However, there are lesser-known causes, such as smoking, which also increases the risk of throat cancer. Also, acid reflux can damage the vocal cords, because the acidic food matter can go past the esophagus reaching the throat, affecting the throat and even the oral cavity. The acidic matter in the mouth will also cause bad breath and damage the tooth enamel. A vocal cord injury will show as a hoarse voice for two weeks, but it usually heals itself. More info click here.


A New Device For Controlling Acid Reflux Symptoms Will Be Available Over-The-Counter

A New Device For Controlling Acid Reflux Symptoms Will Be Available Over-The-Counter    

It Is A Non-Surgical Device That Will Be Worn On The Neck And Prevent The Return Of Acidic Matter To The Throat    

There is now an over-the-counter for treating the symptoms of acid reflux. When stomach acid returns, it might reach the throat, vocal cords, and even the oral cavity. This non-surgical device is worn in the neck to prevent the food matter from returning to the throat and passing to the lungs. Therefore, the patient will avoid acid reflux symptoms such as dry coughing, difficulty swallowing, hoarse voice, postnasal drip, and other head and neck damages. According to its manufacturers, it is a safe alternative to medication, surgery, and sleep modification. There will be also another version with smartphone connectivity for better user experience. Click here for more info.


Diet Sodas Can Have A Negative Effect On Your Health

Diet Sodas Can Have A Negative Effect On Your Health    

Its Ingestion Can Lead To Sugar Craving, Flatulence, And Dehydration    

Diet sodas contain artificial sweeteners based on stevia. Even though they do not contain sugar, they can have adverse effects on the body. For example, taking it in excess can lead to gastrointestinal conditions such as flatulence and a laxative effect. Also, the brain does not differentiate between actual sugar and artificial sweetener, resulting in a craving for sweet foods. Diet sodas also contain caffeine, which acts as a diuretic, causing dehydration. Click here for more information.


Monday, February 15, 2021

Quick Tips To Recover If You Have A Bad Digestion

Quick Tips To Recover If You Have A Bad Digestion    

Are you feeling heartburn or bloating, or just uncomfortable every time you eat? This is because your digestion is not working well. There are several ways you can improve it: the first and most obvious is to drink water. Greek yogurt and pickles are known for its probiotics. Check the full list. More details click here.


How To Distinguish Heartburn Pain From A Heart Attack

How To Distinguish Heartburn Pain From A Heart Attack    

A heart attack is something serious. It can be painful and incapacitating, or it can be mild and subtle. This means it can be confused with a sharp digestive pain caused by heartburn or acid reflux. Check the symptoms described by many heart attack survivors. Click here for more details.


This Home Test Helps Determine If You Stomach Is Secreting Too Much Or Too Little Acid

This Home Test Helps Determine If You Stomach Is Secreting Too Much Or Too Little Acid    

Heartburn is thought to be caused by excess acid in the stomach. This is true for a small percentage of cases, but the truth is that most of us it is related to low stomach acid. This is because, as we age, acid secretion is reduced. This leads to poor digestion and problems in the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Check this home test to find out if you are having too much or too little acid secretion. More details click here.


Sunday, February 14, 2021

Geting Rid Of Belly Bloat

Geting Rid Of Belly Bloat    

Belly bloat leaves us a weird sensation in the abdomen. A way to deal with it is cutting off all the gas-producing foods, like carbs, refined sugars, and vegetables like broccoli and beans. Also, reduce seasonings, consume smaller meals and replace soda with water. Check all the list. Additional details click here.


Friday, February 12, 2021

Baking Soda In Antacids May Worsen Hypertension

Baking Soda In Antacids May Worsen Hypertension    

Baking soda can affect the kidneys, cause a headache and affect the heart, and aggravate a hypertension condition. How is this related to acid reflux and heartburn? Baking soda is present in processed foods, such as canned beans and pastries. It is also the key ingredient in many antacids, which may have side effects if taken frequently. Look at all the foods with baking soda. More info click here.


Chronic Stress Will Affect Our Bodies With High Blood Pressure And Acid Reflux

Chronic Stress Will Affect Our Bodies With High Blood Pressure And Acid Reflux    

A stressful situation results in the releasing of hormones, such as cortisol, that prepares our body for a “fight or flight” state. Chronic stress will release continuously these hormones, resulting in damage to our bodies, such as high blood pressure, diabetes or acid reflux. What to do to avoid it? More info click here.


Thursday, February 11, 2021

Causes And Treatments For An Itchy Throat

Causes And Treatments For An Itchy Throat    

Itch throats are common in the cold season. It is usually caused by infections. Other causes are allergies which come also with a runny nose and in serious cases, can result in shortness of breath. Acid reflux is also a cause because the digestive matter returns up to the throat. The same happens in vomiting. Fortunately, there are some home remedies. More Information click here.


Eating A Banana Every Day Will Help With Heartburn

Eating A Banana Every Day Will Help With Heartburn    

Banana has many health benefits. It is a natural antacid. Its alkalinity helps with acid reflux and heartburn. Also boosts serotonin in the brain, fighting depression, stimulates the production of blood to control anemia. Check the full list. More Information click here.


Mint Has Healthy And Refreshing Effects

Mint Has Healthy And Refreshing Effects    

Mint causes a chilling effect on the tongue, similar to the heat effect of chili pepper. It has menthol, which stimulates the same receptors that perceive cold. It has health benefits for digestive problems, pain and inflammation, and treatments of colds and flu. Additional information click here.


Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Side Effects On Your Body Caused By Excess Eating

Side Effects On Your Body Caused By Excess Eating    

Holidays and celebrations are usually synonyms of a large meal. There might be so many good foods that sometimes you lose control and unfortunately, your body suffers. It causes bloating, hiccups, burps, bad breath, and heartburn, not to mention weight gain. More Information click here.


Pregnant Women Can Obtain Many Health Benefits From Coconut Water

Pregnant Women Can Obtain Many Health Benefits From Coconut Water    

Coconut water is beneficial for pregnant women and is also an alternative to sugary drinks. It acts as a diuretic, cleansing the body and also reduces heartburn and constipation due to its dietary fiber. It also increases the levels of potassium, magnesium and other substances that regulate blood pressure. Additional details click here.


Epigastric Pain Can Be Caused By Acid Reflux And Several Types Of Ulcer

Epigastric Pain Can Be Caused By Acid Reflux And Several Types Of Ulcer    

Hepatitis And Carcinoma Of The Stomach May Also Be The Causes – Learn How To Diagnose It    

Epigastric pain is defined as a pain that occurs above the stomach, in the chest area. The most common is caused by acid reflux, in which the stomach acids return to the esophagus, but there are other causes, such as peptic ulcer disease, which forms in the stomach area, but can radiate to the upper stomach, gastritis, caused by the inflammation of the stomach lining and pancreatitis. Other much more serious conditions are carcinoma of the stomach, which is accompanied by weight loss and hepatitis. How can it be diagnosed? Click here for more info.


Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Heart Palpitations Can Be Caused By Digestive Conditions

Heart Palpitations Can Be Caused By Digestive Conditions    

When the heart skips a beat, it is known as an irregular heartbeat or heart palpitation. Some of the causes are related to digestive issues. For example, acid reflux is caused by food returning through the esophagus, which is located close to the heart. Therefore heart palpitations can happen after a meal or when lying down. Also, overeating can cause the stomach to stretch, resulting in an excess work for the heart while it sends blood to the stomach to help with digestion. Learn about all the causes of heart palpitation. More info click here.


Identifying Triggers To Prevent Asthma Attacks

Identifying Triggers To Prevent Asthma Attacks    

Acid reflux is not only related to gastric conditions. While lying down, the acid that returns to the throat can generate asthma episodes. Stress is also another trigger for asthma. Check all the events that can trigger an asthma attack. Click here for more info.


Heart Attack Symptoms Can Get Confused For Heartburn

Heart Attack Symptoms Can Get Confused For Heartburn    

Did you know that half the heart attacks go undetected? This is because there are no symptoms or if there are, they can get confused with indigestion or acid reflux. Since there are no classic chest pain, nausea, sweating or shortness of breath, the cardiovascular condition does not receive proper treatment. However you cardiologist can detect if you had one. Additional information click here.


Monday, February 8, 2021

Poor Eating Related To Inflammation And Stomach Cancer

Poor Eating Related To Inflammation And Stomach Cancer    

Researchers have found that people who eat processed meat, are overweight and drink alcohol, have a higher risk of having stomach cancer. This is related to the report of the World health organization informing that processed meat causes cancer. The reason is that obesity causes acid reflux, which irritates the upper stomach. It also disrupts the hormonal system, which releases an inflammatory substance into the bloodstream. Additional information click here.


Various Causes Of Abdominal Pain

Various Causes Of Abdominal Pain    

One of the causes of stomach pain is poor digestion. This can be because excess water that has been taken in a meal, diluting the stomach acids which are in responsible for processing the food. Other causes can be parasites, acid reflux, lactose intolerance, and ulcers. Check the full list. Additional info click here.


Foods That Can Originate Acid Reflux

Foods That Can Originate Acid Reflux    

There are foods that can cause or worsen heartburn. In the case, if peppermint, it can relax the valve that separates the esophagus and the stomach, allowing the digestive matter to return up to the throat. Also Chocolate contains a substance that can relax the same valve. Check all the foods. Additional info click here.


Sunday, February 7, 2021

Continuous Use Of Acid Reflux Medications Can Do More Worse Than Good

Continuous Use Of Acid Reflux Medications Can Do More Worse Than Good    

There are a series of acid reflux medications that are so effective, that doctors even prescribe them before considering other medications that can be less powerful and less risky. This could be your case. Click here for more information.


Friday, February 5, 2021

Causes And Treatments For An Itchy Throat

Causes And Treatments For An Itchy Throat    

Itch throats are common in the cold season. It is usually caused by infections. Other causes are allergies which come also with a runny nose and in serious cases, can result in shortness of breath. Acid reflux is also a cause because the digestive matter returns up to the throat. The same happens in vomiting. Fortunately, there are some home remedies. More Information click here.


Exotic Coffee Preparations Too Acid For Your Stomach

Exotic Coffee Preparations Too Acid For Your Stomach    

For most people, coffee is the way to start the morning and to provide energy when the body feels tired and fatigued. However, coffee has also acidity, which will result in promoting acid reflux. Some coffee shops mix it with other ingredients, to provide an exotic drink, but many of them can be unhealthy. For example, coffee with lemonade has high acidity, which will be very harmful to acid reflux. Additional details click here.


Thursday, February 4, 2021

Spots On Your Throat Could Result In Severe Disorders

Spots On Your Throat Could Result In Severe Disorders    

White spots in the throat can mean a serious infection. Among these are strep throat, caused by bacteria, accompanied with fever and swollen throat. Also tonsillitis, which is the inflammation of the lymph nodes, tonsilloliths, which are tonsil stones formed inside the throat, and acid reflux. Check all the types of throat infection. Click here for more info.


Craving For A Quick Bite At Night - Is It Good For Your Health?

Craving For A Quick Bite At Night - Is It Good For Your Health?    

Some people believe that eating late will cause excess weight, or will cause heartburn. However, there is no relation between obesity and eating at night. Most of the late-night cravings are caused not by hunger, but by anxiety, boredom, stress, or fatigue, and instead of eating healthy food, people choose high-calorie snacks like ice cream or potato chips. In any case, late eating will result in acid reflux. Additional info click here.


Coffee Is Great, But You May Be Decreasing Its Benefits

Coffee Is Great, But You May Be Decreasing Its Benefits    

Coffee not only adds energy but protects us against dementia and increases our memory and metabolism. But how we drink it can add or reduce its benefits. For example, pre-ground coffee has more free radicals, reducing its antioxidants. This also happens when storing it on the original bag. Learn the correct way to drink coffee. Click here for more information.


Wednesday, February 3, 2021

This Home Test Helps Determine If You Stomach Is Secreting Too Much Or Too Little Acid

This Home Test Helps Determine If You Stomach Is Secreting Too Much Or Too Little Acid    

Heartburn is thought to be caused by excess acid in the stomach. This is true for a small percentage of cases, but the truth is that most of us it is related to low stomach acid. This is because, as we age, acid secretion is reduced. This leads to poor digestion and problems in the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Check this home test to find out if you are having too much or too little acid secretion. More details click here.


Gluten-Free Diets Are Not As Healthy As It Seems

Gluten-Free Diets Are Not As Healthy As It Seems    

Recent research has associated low levels of gluten ingestion with a higher risk of diabetes. This means that gluten-free foods and diets are not as healthy as it seems. However, people with celiac disease must take a gluten-free diet, because gluten causes a harmful condition in their intestines. More Information click here.