Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Digestive Enzymes Are As Important As Probiotics For A Good Digestion

Digestive Enzymes Are As Important As Probiotics For A Good Digestion    

They Help In Absorption On Nutrients And Other Body Functions    

Probiotics are the microorganisms living in the intestinal tract, which aids in digestion. These can be affected when taking antibiotics, so it is a good idea to take food rich in probiotics while treating an infection. However, there are other substances that also help in digestion, such as digestive enzymes. They help to break down the food into components to help the absorption of nutrients into the blood flow. Also, they help in body processes such as transforming proteins to amino acids and carbohydrates to sugars. However, there are cases in which certain health conditions affect the digestive organs and they cannot produce these enzymes. In these cases, a supplement is required. More details click here.


Gastrointestinal Problems Increase In Older Adults

Gastrointestinal Problems Increase In Older Adults    

The Causes Can Be Medicines And Inactivity – Learn How To Avoid It    

Older adults have more digestive problems. They are caused by inactivity, certain medications, and poor diet, among others. Medication can be responsible for diarrhea, constipation, nausea and bleeding ulcers. Inactivity, along with dehydration, can worsen constipation. Another cause is gravity – it causes the diaphragm to sink, decreasing the support on the gastroesophageal valve and resulting in heartburn. Also, diet is another cause. Taste buds decrease its sensitivity in older adults and food begins to taste different. Additionally, there is less interest in a healthy meal. How to avoid these issues?  Additional info click here.


Energy Drinks Linked To High Blood Pressure And Digestive Issues

Energy Drinks Linked To High Blood Pressure And Digestive Issues    

Excessive Sugar And Caffeine Can Affect Teenagers And Young Adults    

Energy drinks contain caffeine and certain proprietary ingredients are supposed to help perform better, physically and mentally. But they also have a high amount of sugar. Studies have shown that they can cause an abnormal heartbeat and increase blood pressure, plus the excess caffeine can lead to heartburn and diarrhea, among others. Excess sugar and caffeine can have serious health implication on the target consumers, which are teenagers and young adults. Click here for more details.


A Clogged Liver Can Affect Your Digestion, And Cause Headaches Or Poor Oral Health

A Clogged Liver Can Affect Your Digestion, And Cause Headaches Or Poor Oral Health    

These Simple Steps Can Help You Cleanse Your Liver    

Modern life can lead sometimes to an unhealthy diet, resulting in poor digestion, bloating, constipation and heartburn. The blame usually goes to the stomach and colon. However, the problem might be in the liver. It is responsible for obtaining blood from the stomach and intestines, eliminating the toxins from it, and producing bile to help digestion. In some cases, the liver is overworking due to a poor diet, or it can be clogged or imbalanced, resulting in headaches and poor oral health and filthy teeth. Learn these simple steps to cleanse your liver. More Information click here.


Monday, April 29, 2019

Chewing Gum Related To Gastric Problems, Oral Health, And Headaches

Chewing Gum Related To Gastric Problems, Oral Health, And Headaches    

It Can Cause TMD, Heartburn And Tooth Decay    

The main ingredient of chewing gum is called Gum Base, which gives the gum the rubbery nature. It is considered as standard, so manufacturers sometimes do not reveal its components. It can contain lanolin, which is secreted by the sebaceous glands of sheep, synthetic resin or polyvinyl acetate. It can cause digestive problems, because it increases air into the gastrointestinal tract, leading to cramps and bloating, it can increase acid reflux due to the brain believes that there is food intake, secreting saliva and stomach acid. It can also result in TMD – Temporomandibular joint disorder – tightening the contraction of jaw muscles and causing headache and can also result in tooth decay due to its high sugar content. Additional details click here.


Alkaline Water Can Compensate An Acidic Diet

Alkaline Water Can Compensate An Acidic Diet    

Excess Acidity In The Can Lead To A Number Of Serious Diseases    

Excess acidity in the body is bad for your health. This happens when the blood’s pH is lower than 7.35. Fortunately, the body had ways of balancing it. However, the typical diet can be very acidic, which makes it harder for the body to compensate. This increases the risk of heartburn, fatigue, infections, and even diabetes and obesity. Alkaline water can be an answer. Click here for more information.


Craving Spicy Food While Pregnant Can Be Good For The Mother And The Baby

Craving Spicy Food While Pregnant Can Be Good For The Mother And The Baby    

It Increases The Immune System, Fights Hypertension, And Results In A Good Mood    

Pregnancy has several stages. The first three months are usually associated with nausea and morning sickness. The second trimester includes food cravings, such as the sweetness of ice cream, the greasiness of French fries, and even the spicy taste of a hot sauce, even if it results in heartburn, hemorrhoids, and upset stomach. This can be explained because pregnancy heightens the senses of smell and taste, and it can be because if hormones according to experts. It can also a reason that something is lacking in the diet r there is a health issue. Women crave for spicy food when the immune system is weakened, and taking this food protects her and the baby. Other positive effects are lower blood pressure because pepper increases blood flow, and a better mood, due to the production of serotonin. More info click here.


Suffering From IBS? There Is A Diet That Can Help You

Suffering From IBS? There Is A Diet That Can Help You    

Avoiding Certain Foods Will Prevent It’s Symptoms – Learn Which Ones    

A common gastrointestinal disorder is IBS, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and it can be caused by excess antibiotics, a poor diet, or gastroenteritis, among others. Its symptoms include diarrhea, constipation or frequent bowel movements. A proper diet is necessary for treatment, and there is a special type of diet that avoids carbohydrates that are not absorbed in the small intestine, and pass to the large intestine, is fermented by the bacteria, resulting in gas and bad smell. Some of the foods that must be avoided are apples, onions, dried fruit and foods containing lactose. Additional information click here.


Sunday, April 28, 2019

Digestive Problems Are Linked To Anxiety And Depression

Digestive Problems Are Linked To Anxiety And Depression    

Poor Digestion Can Lead To Stress And Depression    

Studies have shown that one of the causes of stress is bad digestion. This is because there is a strong relationship between the brain and the digestive system. For example, just thinking about a delicious meal can stimulate the secretion of gastric juice before the food arrives. Also, excess stress or depression can also affect the digestion, resulting in bloating, abdominal pain or loose stools. The connection goes both ways, so irritable bowel syndrome and poor digestion can lead to anxiety or depression. Click here for more info.


Feeling Bloated? Don’t Just Blame Excess Eating

Feeling Bloated? Don’t Just Blame Excess Eating    

Dehydration, Sitting For A Long Time Or Even Chewing Gum Can Be The Cause    

Bloating is the sensation of having the abdomen stretched and uncomfortable. For most people, it happens when they have eaten in excess, excess gasses, or constipation, among others. However, in some cases, it happens every day. There are several causes, such as dehydration, due to low ingestion of water can lead to constipation – just avoid soda because of the bubbles. Another cause is sitting too much time because it slows digestion. Check all the causes of bloating. More details click here.


Chronic Pain In Obese People Can Be Reduced With A Mediterranean Diet

Chronic Pain In Obese People Can Be Reduced With A Mediterranean Diet    

A study suggests that the Mediterranean diet, based on fish vegetables and fruits, will help reducing chronic pain in overweight people. This is because obesity is linked to a high inflammation, which results in chronic pain, and the Mediterranean diet will help reduce this inflammation. This diet also was beneficial for controlling pain in non-obese people with health conditions related to a high inflammation. Additional info click here.


Unusual Causes Of Acid Reflux

Unusual Causes Of Acid Reflux    

Acid reflux sufferers know that greasy and fatty food will lead to heartburn. However, there are other foods or activities that must be watched. Among the foods are chocolate and canned foods, which contain ingredients that can trigger acid reflux. Also not chewing enough the food will prevent it from mixing with saliva and its enzymes and tight clothes will press the stomach. Check all the triggers of acid reflux. Click here for more details.


Saturday, April 27, 2019

Gluten-Free Diets Are Not As Healthy As It Seems

Gluten-Free Diets Are Not As Healthy As It Seems    

Recent research has associated low levels of gluten ingestion with a higher risk of diabetes. This means that gluten-free foods and diets are not as healthy as it seems. However, people with celiac disease must take a gluten-free diet, because gluten causes a harmful condition in their intestines. More Information click here.


Eating Fiber Will Improve The Digestive Process

Eating Fiber Will Improve The Digestive Process    

Eating more fiber will result in better bowel movements and a reduction of the risk of diabetes, high cholesterol, and excess weight. Fiber is a carbohydrate that is not broken down by human enzymes, such as cereals, beans, fruit, and vegetables. On the other hand, fiber is a carbohydrate, and people tend to think that all carbs increase weight. Also, a side effect is the production of stomach gas, resulting in farting, which can be unpleasant to most people. Check all the benefits of fiber. Additional information click here.


A Glass Of Water After Waking Up Helps With Weight Loss And Other Benefits

A Glass Of Water After Waking Up Helps With Weight Loss And Other Benefits    

Drinking water after waking up will help control dehydration, which can result in migraines, hypertension, kidney stones, among other serious conditions. However, it has additional benefits, such as decreasing the level of body toxins that have built up at night, when to the body was repairing itself. Also, it increases metabolism, improving digestive functions. All these will result in feeling less hungry, helping with weight loss. Check all the benefits of an early glass of water. Click here for more info.


Eating These Foods With An Empty Stomach Is Not A Good Idea

Eating These Foods With An Empty Stomach Is Not A Good Idea    

There are foods that are healthy, but if consumed with an empty stomach. They can be harmful, leading to gastric ulcers, constipation and acid reflux. For example, tomatoes have tannic acid that increases the acidity of the stomach. Green vegetables are high on amino acids and can cause heartburn and abdominal pain. Spicy food will damage the wall of the stomach, causing more acid secretion and irritation. Soda is not healthy at all, and taking it with an empty stomach will result in a sensation of bloating, causing the sugars to enter the bloodstream, causing the blood vessels to widen, and leading to a feeling of warmth, lowering pulse rate and blood pressure. More info click here.


Friday, April 26, 2019

What Foods To Eat Before Bed And What To Avoid

What Foods To Eat Before Bed And What To Avoid    

There are foods that promote sleep and others that should be avoided before bedtime. For example, bananas contain magnesium a muscle relaxant, turkey has tryptophan, which induces sleep, and almonds have both of them. On the other side, avoid spicy food, containing capsaicin, which alters the body temperature, fatty foods are difficult to digest, resulting in acid reflux, and alcohol relaxed the valve between the stomach and esophagus, allowing the food to return. Check the full list. Click here for more info.


Late-Night Meals May Cause Acid Reflux And Increase The Risk Of Heart Disease

Late-Night Meals May Cause Acid Reflux And Increase The Risk Of Heart Disease    

Eating before bedtime may result in acid reflux because the body stays in a horizontal position, making it easier for the food to return. However, there are other causes supporting the fact that eating late is not healthy: it’s harder for the body to process glucose, and recently, a study suggested that eating earlier, and distributing meals through the day lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. Additional info click here.


These Foods Will Help With Excess Bloating

These Foods Will Help With Excess Bloating    

Some foods produce too much stomach gases, which result in bloating and also poor digestion, added to an uneasy sensation. There are foods that will help avoid this. For example, garlic has anti-bacterial properties that will help in controlling the bad stomach bacteria. Ginger can stimulate the production of digestive juices, which helps to move the food. Also, oats can help with regular bowel movements. Click here for more details.


Eliminate Acid Reflux In 28 Days With A Proper Diet And Better Eating Habits

Eliminate Acid Reflux In 28 Days With A Proper Diet And Better Eating Habits    

Acid reflux can be treated by antacids and other es, but these usually address the symptom and not the cause. The key to curing acid reflux is a proper diet, removing the foods that trigger it. According to specialists, acid reflux can be eliminated by changing the diet, watching the pH of the food, drinking only water and quitting smoking, among others. More details click here.


Thursday, April 25, 2019

Poor Meat Digestion May Lead To Constipation, Acid Reflux And Bad Breath

Poor Meat Digestion May Lead To Constipation, Acid Reflux And Bad Breath    

Sometimes, feeling nausea or heartburn after lunch with a steak or a hamburger means that you cannot digest meat. Other symptoms are bloating, constipation, bad body other and bad breath, and a higher risk of acquiring food-related conditions, such as salmonella. It can be worsened there are big meat portions or improper chewing. Additional information click here.


Deaths From Diabetes, Stroke, And Cardiac Disease Related To Poor Diet

Deaths From Diabetes, Stroke, And Cardiac Disease Related To Poor Diet    

A study reveals that half of all deaths from diabetes, stroke and cardiac disease are associated with a poor diet that not only lacks certain nutrients but also has an excess of other ingredients, such as salt. There is a deficit of fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grain, fish and vegetable oils. Additional details click here.


Tight Shapewear Results In Excess Pressure On The Stomach, Causing Acid Reflux

Tight Shapewear Results In Excess Pressure On The Stomach, Causing Acid Reflux    

While women are happy with the miracles that the new shapewear does for their bodies, it can also be harmful. Wearing shapewear causes breathing problems, and also the extra pressure on the abdomen results in acid reflux – the external pressure on the stomach prevents its content to pass to the intestines, forcing them to return. More Information click here.


Benefits Of Alkaline Water, And How To Make It At Home

Benefits Of Alkaline Water, And How To Make It At Home    

The blood has hydrogen and oxygen ions. If the blood is acid, there will be more hydrogen ions and less oxygen, while if it is more alkaline there will be more oxygen available to the cells. Foods with refined sugars, chemical additives, pesticides, and processed foods are very acidic. It can be balanced with alkaline foods or water, which are also great for treating acid reflux. Alkaline water can be made at home adding baking soda or slices of lemon. FYI, lemon is acid, but the internal processes in the body result in an alkaline effect. Click here for more details.


Certain Acid Reflux Drugs Can Cause Gradual Kidney Damage

Certain Acid Reflux Drugs Can Cause Gradual Kidney Damage    

One of the types of acid reflux drugs is called proton-pump inhibitors, or PPIs. New research suggests that these can cause kidney damage or even renal failure. The kidney function begins to decline, so the patients are not aware of their condition until it’s too late. On the other hand, the same research was made with another type of acid reflux drugs, called H2-blockers, showing much less alteration to kidney function. Additional info click here.


Learn About The Real Causes Of Acid Reflux

Learn About The Real Causes Of Acid Reflux    

Most people believe that acid reflux is caused by an excess of production of stomach acid. However, research has shown that most adults do not produce enough stomach acid and that lifestyle plays a major role in acid reflux symptoms. So what are the main causes? The most important is stress, followed by overuse of antibiotics, and excessive alcohol, among others. So how can it be avoided? Click here for more details.


Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Swallowing Pills Without Water Can Result In Damage To The Esophagus

Swallowing Pills Without Water Can Result In Damage To The Esophagus    

Swallowing a pill without water can not only lead to choking but worse, it can get stuck in the esophagus, leading to inflammation and irritation. These pills react with the delicate tissue of the esophagus, resulting in heartburn. This process cannot be detected immediately because the esophagus does not have nerve terminations. Additional info click here.


Study: Heartburn Drugs Can Increase The Risk Of Stomach Infection

Study: Heartburn Drugs Can Increase The Risk Of Stomach Infection    

A study has shown that extended use of acid reflux drugs, such as acid suppressors like proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) and H2 blockers, can increase the risk of infection with the bacteria C.difficile and Campylobacter. These bacteria are responsible for abdominal pain and diarrhea but can have a more serious outcome. More details click here.


Multiple Medications May Do More Harm Than Good

Multiple Medications May Do More Harm Than Good    

Taking many medications can result in more harm than good because they can interfere with them. The reason is that the doctors who prescribe them are not aware of what other drugs you take, so it’s not a bad idea to gather all your medications and prescriptions and show them to your doctor on your next visit. Click here for more info.


Feeling Bloated After Meals? Learn How To Avoid It

Feeling Bloated After Meals? Learn How To Avoid It    

Many people feel bloated after a meal. This uncomfortable condition feels as if the stomach is excessively full due to excessive gas. One treatment may be staying away from dairy products or carbs, because the body may be unable to process lactose or gluten. Also, it is worth trying to eat slower, because when eating too fast, air is inhaled, leading to bloating and excess gas. Check all the treatments for bloating and what causes them. More details click here.


Benefits Of Cutting Down Red Meat From The Diet

Benefits Of Cutting Down Red Meat From The Diet    

Cutting off red meat has benefits, such weight loss due to ingesting fewer calories, the pH balance will be less acidic, reducing the risk of diabetes and cancer, and a sensation of being less bloated, since the body digests red meat more slowly than other foods. On the other hand, the body might require alternate sources of protein and also certain nutrients, such as B12 vitamins. Additional information click here.


Saliva Can Diagnose Several Health Conditions

Saliva Can Diagnose Several Health Conditions    

Saliva is a natural antibacterial and disinfectant for all the germs that try to enter the body through the mouth. It can also provide information about the body’s health condition. For example, dehydration will result in low saliva production and bad breath, if it’s dry and sticky in the morning it can be a symptom of sleep apnea. Also, if its pH balance is acidic, it could be acid reflux. Click here for more information.


Tuesday, April 23, 2019

For A Good Digestion, Take These Drinks Before Bedtime

For A Good Digestion, Take These Drinks Before Bedtime    

There are many gastrointestinal conditions that are more common as one age. However, the gut sensitivity decreases as one age, so these conditions are harder to detect. For example, an ulcer can be preceded with very mild symptoms. To avoid them, one way is to ingest drinks before sleep that will help with digestion, like water, which will help which moving the food through the digestive tract, yogurt will replenish the bacteria in the intestine, and turmeric to avoid indigestion and gas buildup. Additional details click here.


Heartburn Is Not The Only Symptom Of Acid Reflux

Heartburn Is Not The Only Symptom Of Acid Reflux    

The most common symptom of acid reflux is heartburn, which consists of a pain in the abdomen and chest. However, there are other symptoms, such as excess salivation, which is a response to irritation of stomach acid a radiating pressure in the chest, which can be confused by a heart attack, and chronic coughing, caused by the stomach acid in the throat. More Information click here.


Frequent Need For Throat Clearing Can Be A Symptom Of An Irritation From Stomach Acid

Frequent Need For Throat Clearing Can Be A Symptom Of An Irritation From Stomach Acid    

Clearing up your throat is related to a dry cough, smoking problems, or a lump in the throat problem. It is a response to irritation, and an effort to remove the irritant agent. One of the causes may stomach acid as a result of acid reflux. Click here for more details.


Learning About The Miracle Diet To Get Rid Of Digestive Issues

Learning About The Miracle Diet To Get Rid Of Digestive Issues    

One of five visits to the doctor is related to digestive problems, such as bloating, excess gas, cramps, diarrhea, or constipation. One expert believes that all is related to the type of diet. Cutting out wheat, gluten, dairy lactose, and sugar is beneficial for bloating or stomach pain. Additional info click here.


Acid Reflux And Soda Drinks Affect The Tooth Enamel

Acid Reflux And Soda Drinks Affect The Tooth Enamel    

Carbonated drinks are not only unhealthy because of their sugar content and nearly zero nutrients, but they also contain acid that affects the tooth enamel. Acid reflux also can affect the teeth, in the cases in which the acid, which is very strong, reaches the oral cavity. More details click here.


Side Effect Of Long-Term Use Of Acid Reflux Drugs

Side Effect Of Long-Term Use Of Acid Reflux Drugs    

The most frequently prescribed drugs for acid reflux are PPIs (proton-pump inhibitors). Studies have shown that it affects kidney function, buy, when used for a long-term, it can have serious side effects, such as bone loss, gut infections, and even dementia. Click here for more info.


Monday, April 22, 2019

Is Coffee Responsible For Acid Reflux, And Other Conditions? Not Really

Is Coffee Responsible For Acid Reflux, And Other Conditions? Not Really    

Coffee has been blamed for causing acid reflux, addiction, and insomnia. But is this true? Arabiga coffee beans do not cause acidity or acid reflux, which is not the case with other beans, such as Robusta. Also, many studies support the fact that coffee prevents strokes and heart attacks and stimulates the immune system. Also, insomnia and restlessness can be voided with decaffeinated coffee. Additional information click here.


Acid Reflux Medications Can Reduce The Effectivity Of Cancer Treatments

Acid Reflux Medications Can Reduce The Effectivity Of Cancer Treatments    

Besides all the side effects related acid reflux drugs, these can cause serious harm to cancer patients. This is because these medications decrease the effects of a drug used for chemotherapy treatment in gastric cancer and colorectal cancer patients. More info click here.


Avoiding Gastric Issues On Holidays Or Vacations

Avoiding Gastric Issues On Holidays Or Vacations    

Holidays and vacations are sometimes excuses to indulge in over-eating, with bad results on gastric health. Among the tips to avoid this are taking healthful snacks, such as carrots, apples, and almonds. Yogurt contains probiotics for a healthy gut. Also, eat mindfully to avoid gas and bloating – remember that the brain takes 20 minutes to recognize when the stomach is full. This will also make eating more enjoyable. Check the full list. Click here for more information.


Baking Soda Can Have Serious Side Effect If Used Frequently To Treat Acid Reflux

Baking Soda Can Have Serious Side Effect If Used Frequently To Treat Acid Reflux    

Sodium bicarbonate, also known as baking soda is one of the most common home remedies for acid for acid reflux. According to specialists, it is a temporary solution, but if used frequently, it has dangerous side effects, such as excess gas, high sodium intake, with its consequences for blood pressure, and risk of osteoporosis and other bone conditions. Read the full list. Additional details click here.


Avoid These Poor Habits And Get Rid Of Bloating

Avoid These Poor Habits And Get Rid Of Bloating    

Bloating is the uncomfortable sensation of having your stomach too full. It is caused by certain foods, but also by poor habits. One of them is not chewing the food properly, which leads to undigested food since the saliva does not mix properly with the food. Other is eating fatty food in excess, which results in the food staying too much time in the intestine. More Information click here.


Alkaline Water Can Compensate An Acidic Diet

Alkaline Water Can Compensate An Acidic Diet    

Excess Acidity In The Can Lead To A Number Of Serious Diseases    

Excess acidity in the body is bad for your health. This happens when the blood’s pH is lower than 7.35. Fortunately, the body had ways of balancing it. However, the typical diet can be very acidic, which makes it harder for the body to compensate. This increases the risk of heartburn, fatigue, infections, and even diabetes and obesity. Alkaline water can be an answer. Click here for more information.


Chewing Gum Related To Gastric Problems, Oral Health, And Headaches

Chewing Gum Related To Gastric Problems, Oral Health, And Headaches    

It Can Cause TMD, Heartburn And Tooth Decay    

The main ingredient of chewing gum is called Gum Base, which gives the gum the rubbery nature. It is considered as standard, so manufacturers sometimes do not reveal its components. It can contain lanolin, which is secreted by the sebaceous glands of sheep, synthetic resin or polyvinyl acetate. It can cause digestive problems, because it increases air into the gastrointestinal tract, leading to cramps and bloating, it can increase acid reflux due to the brain believes that there is food intake, secreting saliva and stomach acid. It can also result in TMD – Temporomandibular joint disorder – tightening the contraction of jaw muscles and causing headache and can also result in tooth decay due to its high sugar content. Additional details click here.


Eating Fiber Will Improve The Digestive Process

Eating Fiber Will Improve The Digestive Process    

Eating more fiber will result in better bowel movements and a reduction of the risk of diabetes, high cholesterol, and excess weight. Fiber is a carbohydrate that is not broken down by human enzymes, such as cereals, beans, fruit, and vegetables. On the other hand, fiber is a carbohydrate, and people tend to think that all carbs increase weight. Also, a side effect is the production of stomach gas, resulting in farting, which can be unpleasant to most people. Check all the benefits of fiber. Additional information click here.


Sunday, April 21, 2019

A Glass Of Water After Waking Up Helps With Weight Loss And Other Benefits

A Glass Of Water After Waking Up Helps With Weight Loss And Other Benefits    

Drinking water after waking up will help control dehydration, which can result in migraines, hypertension, kidney stones, among other serious conditions. However, it has additional benefits, such as decreasing the level of body toxins that have built up at night, when to the body was repairing itself. Also, it increases metabolism, improving digestive functions. All these will result in feeling less hungry, helping with weight loss. Check all the benefits of an early glass of water. Click here for more info.


Feeling Bloated After Meals? Learn How To Avoid It

Feeling Bloated After Meals? Learn How To Avoid It    

Many people feel bloated after a meal. This uncomfortable condition feels as if the stomach is excessively full due to excessive gas. One treatment may be staying away from dairy products or carbs, because the body may be unable to process lactose or gluten. Also, it is worth trying to eat slower, because when eating too fast, air is inhaled, leading to bloating and excess gas. Check all the treatments for bloating and what causes them. More details click here.


Certain Acid Reflux Drugs Can Cause Gradual Kidney Damage

Certain Acid Reflux Drugs Can Cause Gradual Kidney Damage    

One of the types of acid reflux drugs is called proton-pump inhibitors, or PPIs. New research suggests that these can cause kidney damage or even renal failure. The kidney function begins to decline, so the patients are not aware of their condition until it’s too late. On the other hand, the same research was made with another type of acid reflux drugs, called H2-blockers, showing much less alteration to kidney function. Additional info click here.


Benefits Of Alkaline Water, And How To Make It At Home

Benefits Of Alkaline Water, And How To Make It At Home    

The blood has hydrogen and oxygen ions. If the blood is acid, there will be more hydrogen ions and less oxygen, while if it is more alkaline there will be more oxygen available to the cells. Foods with refined sugars, chemical additives, pesticides, and processed foods are very acidic. It can be balanced with alkaline foods or water, which are also great for treating acid reflux. Alkaline water can be made at home adding baking soda or slices of lemon. FYI, lemon is acid, but the internal processes in the body result in an alkaline effect. Click here for more details.


Tight Shapewear Results In Excess Pressure On The Stomach, Causing Acid Reflux

Tight Shapewear Results In Excess Pressure On The Stomach, Causing Acid Reflux    

While women are happy with the miracles that the new shapewear does for their bodies, it can also be harmful. Wearing shapewear causes breathing problems, and also the extra pressure on the abdomen results in acid reflux – the external pressure on the stomach prevents its content to pass to the intestines, forcing them to return. More Information click here.


Deaths From Diabetes, Stroke, And Cardiac Disease Related To Poor Diet

Deaths From Diabetes, Stroke, And Cardiac Disease Related To Poor Diet    

A study reveals that half of all deaths from diabetes, stroke and cardiac disease are associated with a poor diet that not only lacks certain nutrients but also has an excess of other ingredients, such as salt. There is a deficit of fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grain, fish and vegetable oils. Additional details click here.


Eating These Foods With An Empty Stomach Is Not A Good Idea

Eating These Foods With An Empty Stomach Is Not A Good Idea    

There are foods that are healthy, but if consumed with an empty stomach. They can be harmful, leading to gastric ulcers, constipation and acid reflux. For example, tomatoes have tannic acid that increases the acidity of the stomach. Green vegetables are high on amino acids and can cause heartburn and abdominal pain. Spicy food will damage the wall of the stomach, causing more acid secretion and irritation. Soda is not healthy at all, and taking it with an empty stomach will result in a sensation of bloating, causing the sugars to enter the bloodstream, causing the blood vessels to widen, and leading to a feeling of warmth, lowering pulse rate and blood pressure. More info click here.


Avoiding Gastric Issues On Holidays Or Vacations

Avoiding Gastric Issues On Holidays Or Vacations    

Holidays and vacations are sometimes excuses to indulge in over-eating, with bad results on gastric health. Among the tips to avoid this are taking healthful snacks, such as carrots, apples, and almonds. Yogurt contains probiotics for a healthy gut. Also, eat mindfully to avoid gas and bloating – remember that the brain takes 20 minutes to recognize when the stomach is full. This will also make eating more enjoyable. Check the full list. Click here for more information.


Saturday, April 20, 2019

Baking Soda Can Have Serious Side Effect If Used Frequently To Treat Acid Reflux

Baking Soda Can Have Serious Side Effect If Used Frequently To Treat Acid Reflux    

Sodium bicarbonate, also known as baking soda is one of the most common home remedies for acid for acid reflux. According to specialists, it is a temporary solution, but if used frequently, it has dangerous side effects, such as excess gas, high sodium intake, with its consequences for blood pressure, and risk of osteoporosis and other bone conditions. Read the full list. Additional details click here.


Poor Meat Digestion May Lead To Constipation, Acid Reflux And Bad Breath

Poor Meat Digestion May Lead To Constipation, Acid Reflux And Bad Breath    

Sometimes, feeling nausea or heartburn after lunch with a steak or a hamburger means that you cannot digest meat. Other symptoms are bloating, constipation, bad body other and bad breath, and a higher risk of acquiring food-related conditions, such as salmonella. It can be worsened there are big meat portions or improper chewing. Additional information click here.


Benefits Of Cutting Down Red Meat From The Diet

Benefits Of Cutting Down Red Meat From The Diet    

Cutting off red meat has benefits, such weight loss due to ingesting fewer calories, the pH balance will be less acidic, reducing the risk of diabetes and cancer, and a sensation of being less bloated, since the body digests red meat more slowly than other foods. On the other hand, the body might require alternate sources of protein and also certain nutrients, such as B12 vitamins. Additional information click here.


Saliva Can Diagnose Several Health Conditions

Saliva Can Diagnose Several Health Conditions    

Saliva is a natural antibacterial and disinfectant for all the germs that try to enter the body through the mouth. It can also provide information about the body’s health condition. For example, dehydration will result in low saliva production and bad breath, if it’s dry and sticky in the morning it can be a symptom of sleep apnea. Also, if its pH balance is acidic, it could be acid reflux. Click here for more information.


For A Good Digestion, Take These Drinks Before Bedtime

For A Good Digestion, Take These Drinks Before Bedtime    

There are many gastrointestinal conditions that are more common as one age. However, the gut sensitivity decreases as one age, so these conditions are harder to detect. For example, an ulcer can be preceded with very mild symptoms. To avoid them, one way is to ingest drinks before sleep that will help with digestion, like water, which will help which moving the food through the digestive tract, yogurt will replenish the bacteria in the intestine, and turmeric to avoid indigestion and gas buildup. Additional details click here.


Heartburn Is Not The Only Symptom Of Acid Reflux

Heartburn Is Not The Only Symptom Of Acid Reflux    

The most common symptom of acid reflux is heartburn, which consists of a pain in the abdomen and chest. However, there are other symptoms, such as excess salivation, which is a response to irritation of stomach acid a radiating pressure in the chest, which can be confused by a heart attack, and chronic coughing, caused by the stomach acid in the throat. More Information click here.


These Foods Will Help With Excess Bloating

These Foods Will Help With Excess Bloating    

Some foods produce too much stomach gases, which result in bloating and also poor digestion, added to an uneasy sensation. There are foods that will help avoid this. For example, garlic has anti-bacterial properties that will help in controlling the bad stomach bacteria. Ginger can stimulate the production of digestive juices, which helps to move the food. Also, oats can help with regular bowel movements. Click here for more details.


Late-Night Meals May Cause Acid Reflux And Increase The Risk Of Heart Disease

Late-Night Meals May Cause Acid Reflux And Increase The Risk Of Heart Disease    

Eating before bedtime may result in acid reflux because the body stays in a horizontal position, making it easier for the food to return. However, there are other causes supporting the fact that eating late is not healthy: it’s harder for the body to process glucose, and recently, a study suggested that eating earlier, and distributing meals through the day lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. Additional info click here.


Friday, April 19, 2019

Eliminate Acid Reflux In 28 Days With A Proper Diet And Better Eating Habits

Eliminate Acid Reflux In 28 Days With A Proper Diet And Better Eating Habits    

Acid reflux can be treated by antacids and other es, but these usually address the symptom and not the cause. The key to curing acid reflux is a proper diet, removing the foods that trigger it. According to specialists, acid reflux can be eliminated by changing the diet, watching the pH of the food, drinking only water and quitting smoking, among others. More details click here.


What Foods To Eat Before Bed And What To Avoid

What Foods To Eat Before Bed And What To Avoid    

There are foods that promote sleep and others that should be avoided before bedtime. For example, bananas contain magnesium a muscle relaxant, turkey has tryptophan, which induces sleep, and almonds have both of them. On the other side, avoid spicy food, containing capsaicin, which alters the body temperature, fatty foods are difficult to digest, resulting in acid reflux, and alcohol relaxed the valve between the stomach and esophagus, allowing the food to return. Check the full list. Click here for more info.


Frequent Need For Throat Clearing Can Be A Symptom Of An Irritation From Stomach Acid

Frequent Need For Throat Clearing Can Be A Symptom Of An Irritation From Stomach Acid    

Clearing up your throat is related to a dry cough, smoking problems, or a lump in the throat problem. It is a response to irritation, and an effort to remove the irritant agent. One of the causes may stomach acid as a result of acid reflux. Click here for more details.


Learning About The Miracle Diet To Get Rid Of Digestive Issues

Learning About The Miracle Diet To Get Rid Of Digestive Issues    

One of five visits to the doctor is related to digestive problems, such as bloating, excess gas, cramps, diarrhea, or constipation. One expert believes that all is related to the type of diet. Cutting out wheat, gluten, dairy lactose, and sugar is beneficial for bloating or stomach pain. Additional info click here.


Acid Reflux And Soda Drinks Affect The Tooth Enamel

Acid Reflux And Soda Drinks Affect The Tooth Enamel    

Carbonated drinks are not only unhealthy because of their sugar content and nearly zero nutrients, but they also contain acid that affects the tooth enamel. Acid reflux also can affect the teeth, in the cases in which the acid, which is very strong, reaches the oral cavity. More details click here.


Side Effect Of Long-Term Use Of Acid Reflux Drugs

Side Effect Of Long-Term Use Of Acid Reflux Drugs    

The most frequently prescribed drugs for acid reflux are PPIs (proton-pump inhibitors). Studies have shown that it affects kidney function, buy, when used for a long-term, it can have serious side effects, such as bone loss, gut infections, and even dementia. Click here for more info.


Thursday, April 18, 2019

Is Coffee Responsible For Acid Reflux, And Other Conditions? Not Really

Is Coffee Responsible For Acid Reflux, And Other Conditions? Not Really    

Coffee has been blamed for causing acid reflux, addiction, and insomnia. But is this true? Arabiga coffee beans do not cause acidity or acid reflux, which is not the case with other beans, such as Robusta. Also, many studies support the fact that coffee prevents strokes and heart attacks and stimulates the immune system. Also, insomnia and restlessness can be voided with decaffeinated coffee. Additional information click here.


Acid Reflux Medications Can Reduce The Effectivity Of Cancer Treatments

Acid Reflux Medications Can Reduce The Effectivity Of Cancer Treatments    

Besides all the side effects related acid reflux drugs, these can cause serious harm to cancer patients. This is because these medications decrease the effects of a drug used for chemotherapy treatment in gastric cancer and colorectal cancer patients. More info click here.


Avoid These Poor Habits And Get Rid Of Bloating

Avoid These Poor Habits And Get Rid Of Bloating    

Bloating is the uncomfortable sensation of having your stomach too full. It is caused by certain foods, but also by poor habits. One of them is not chewing the food properly, which leads to undigested food since the saliva does not mix properly with the food. Other is eating fatty food in excess, which results in the food staying too much time in the intestine. More Information click here.


Learn About The Real Causes Of Acid Reflux

Learn About The Real Causes Of Acid Reflux    

Most people believe that acid reflux is caused by an excess of production of stomach acid. However, research has shown that most adults do not produce enough stomach acid and that lifestyle plays a major role in acid reflux symptoms. So what are the main causes? The most important is stress, followed by overuse of antibiotics, and excessive alcohol, among others. So how can it be avoided? Click here for more details.


Swallowing Pills Without Water Can Result In Damage To The Esophagus

Swallowing Pills Without Water Can Result In Damage To The Esophagus    

Swallowing a pill without water can not only lead to choking but worse, it can get stuck in the esophagus, leading to inflammation and irritation. These pills react with the delicate tissue of the esophagus, resulting in heartburn. This process cannot be detected immediately because the esophagus does not have nerve terminations. Additional info click here.


Study: Heartburn Drugs Can Increase The Risk Of Stomach Infection

Study: Heartburn Drugs Can Increase The Risk Of Stomach Infection    

A study has shown that extended use of acid reflux drugs, such as acid suppressors like proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) and H2 blockers, can increase the risk of infection with the bacteria C.difficile and Campylobacter. These bacteria are responsible for abdominal pain and diarrhea but can have a more serious outcome. More details click here.


Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Multiple Medications May Do More Harm Than Good

Multiple Medications May Do More Harm Than Good    

Taking many medications can result in more harm than good because they can interfere with them. The reason is that the doctors who prescribe them are not aware of what other drugs you take, so it’s not a bad idea to gather all your medications and prescriptions and show them to your doctor on your next visit. Click here for more info.


Abdominal Pain Not Only Related To Stomach Conditions

Abdominal Pain Not Only Related To Stomach Conditions    

Abdominal pain is not only related to the digestive system. It can also mean other health condition, such as gallstones, kidney stones, pancreatitis, and constipation. In the case of digestive issues, it can be the result of swelling or inflammation of the stomach lining, caused by excessive eating or drinking. More Information click here.


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Beware Of These Home Hangover Cures

Beware Of These Home Hangover Cures    

There are many home hangover cures and people who swear for them. Many of these cures do actually more harm than good. Among the things to avoid are sweets and sugar because the drinks the night before had already sugar. Also, doing a light workout or sweating the excess alcohol will dehydrate the body, worsening the effect because of the diuretic properties of alcohol. Click here for more details.


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Hungry Before Bedtime? These Foods Will Help Losing Weight And Control Heartburn

Hungry Before Bedtime? These Foods Will Help Losing Weight And Control Heartburn    

Excess late-night eating is known to be a major cause of weight gain, and also will lead to heartburn. This is because the body is in a horizontal position while sleeping, and gravity will help to return the food to the esophagus. But there are foods that will calm down the hunger and help with weight loss, such as bananas, turkey or non-fat Greek yogurt. These contain tryptophan, which helps with sleep. Additional info click here.


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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

These Diets Can Help With Irritable Bowel Syndrome

These Diets Can Help With Irritable Bowel Syndrome    

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has many symptoms, such as diarrhea, constipation, and bloating. Even though it can be treated with meds, there are diets that can be helpful. One of these is the probiotic diet, which balances the bacteria in the gastric system. Also, the alkaline diet can fight the high acidity of the typical foods that are highly acidic. Eating smaller portions four or five times a day gives the body a steady supply of energy and reduces stress on the gastrointestinal system. Click here for more information.


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This Fermented Coffee Will Help You Avoid Heartburn

This Fermented Coffee Will Help You Avoid Heartburn    

Coffee is a great morning energizer, but for some persons, it can result in heartburn and acid reflux. There is now a coffee that is friendlier to the digestive system. It is fermented coffee that can also be called “probiotic coffee”. In the process, the components that cause acid reflux are removed at a molecular level. Additional details click here.


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Fish Oil Supplements Can Lead To Heartburn And Bad Breath

Fish Oil Supplements Can Lead To Heartburn And Bad Breath    

Omega-3 acids are essential for our health. However, our body does not make them so we have to get them from fatty fish, like salmon or tuna, or fish oil supplements. If we cannot eat fish every day, the solution is taking supplements. However, the recommended daily intake can be excessive, resulting in belching, bad breath heartburn and nausea. Fortunately, there are alternative sources of omega-3 acids. Click here for more info.


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