Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Human Body Hosts Millions Of Microorganisms That Aid –And Can Also Interfere- With Its Normal Processes

The Human Body Hosts Millions Of Microorganisms That Aid –And Can Also Interfere- With Its Normal Processes    

Some Are Located In The Hair Follicles And Scalp, The Intestine, And Even Cause Bad Breath And Cavities    

The human body is a house for millions of bacteria and other microorganisms that help in maintaining good health. These bacteria also help to contain the growth of harmful bacteria. However, if the amount of “good” and “bad” bacteria get out of balance, leading to fungus infections or bacterial yeast. Some of the microorganisms live on the eyelashes and inside the hair follicles. There are other bacteria in the form of yeast in the scalp. A poor diet or other causes could cause an imbalance, leading to rosacea or seborrheic dermatitis. Other bacteria in the hair is located in the armpits, responsible for the strong smell, which is caused by their combination with fatty acids and proteins in sweat. It is also well-known that there are intestinal bacteria that aids with digestion. In fact, according to specialists, the typical healthy adult digestive system has almost four pounds of microorganisms consisting of over three million genes. There are also bacteria in the mouth which aids with digestion, but there is also another type of microorganisms that are harmful, which are responsible or cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. Check all the types of bacteria and microorganisms that live in the human body. More info click here.


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