Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Natural Drug-Free Solutions For Acid Reflux

Natural Drug-Free Solutions For Acid Reflux    

Acid reflux is usually caused by excess pressure on the stomach, and also the excessive production of acid. There are natural solutions, such as belly breathing, which strengthens the muscles in the diaphragm, and treatments like acupuncture, yoga, and massage. More info click here.


For A Good Night’S Sleep, Avoid Eating These Foods

For A Good Night’S Sleep, Avoid Eating These Foods    

If you want to have a good night’s sleep, there are foods that must be avoided. Among these are boxed cereal and ice cream, for its high sugar content. Also, the high fat in burgers will result in acid reflux. For good digestion, all foods must be avoided for two hours before sleep. Check additional details. Additional information click here.


PillCam Helps Diagnose Wirelessly Conditions In The Digestive Tract

PillCam Helps Diagnose Wirelessly Conditions In The Digestive Tract    

It's Much More Comfortable Than A Tracheotomy Or A Colonoscopy    

The PillCam consists of a pill with a camera inside, which can send wirelessly images of the gastric tract. It is widely used in Europe. The pill has a 10-hour battery, two cameras, and a light source, and it will send between 2,600 and 57,000 pictures on its journey. One of the models is designed for the esophagus, which will help diagnose acid reflux by checking for heartburn injuries. Compared to a tracheotomy or a colonoscopy, the patient feels nothing during the procedure. Additional details click here.


A Diet Fiber Will Help Treating Hiatal Hernia

A Diet Fiber Will Help Treating Hiatal Hernia    

A hiatal hernia is a condition in which part of the stomach is squeezed through the diaphragm into the chest cavity, which allows the stomach acid to enter the esophagus, increasing the possibility of esophageal cancer. However, a diet high in fiber will reduce the risk because the fiber gradually expels the stomach from the chest cavity. How is this done? Additional info click here.


Acid Reflux Medication Is Not Enough, Change Your Lifestyle


Acid Reflux Medication Is Not Enough, Change Your Lifestyle    

If suffering from acid reflux, prescriptions medicine might not be enough. Lifestyle and habits also promote heartburn and acid reflux. For example, excess weight, eating late at night, smoking and alcohol, among others. Click here for more information.


Identifying Triggers To Prevent Asthma Attacks

Identifying Triggers To Prevent Asthma Attacks    

Acid reflux is not only related to gastric conditions. While lying down, the acid that returns to the throat can generate asthma episodes. Stress is also another trigger for asthma. Check all the events that can trigger an asthma attack. Click here for more info.


Essential Oils Have Health Benefits For Hair Loss And Gastric Conditions

Essential Oils Have Health Benefits For Hair Loss And Gastric Conditions    

They Can Also Be Used For Treating Dandruff And Headaches    

Essential oils are extracted from seeds and plants and have many health benefits. One of them is chamomile oil, which is good for skin care, helping with acne and inflammation. Also, peppermint oil can help with oral hygiene, headaches and also treat indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Researchers have also discovered that peppermint oil can be used as an alternative treatment for hair loss. Lavender oil can help improve the sleeping patterns, treating insomnia. Tea tree oil is very good for skin conditions and hair care, helping treat dandruff. Click here for more information.


Worried About Yellow Tongue? Check The Causes And Treatments

Worried About Yellow Tongue? Check The Causes And Treatments    

Many people can get alarmed if suddenly they have a yellow tongue. This is common in pregnant women due to hormonal changes, but also can be caused by antibiotics, excess bacterial growth, oral care products, and even tobacco and heartburn. Check the full list. More details click here.


Causes And Treatments For An Itchy Throat

Causes And Treatments For An Itchy Throat    

Itch throats are common in the cold season. It is usually caused by infections. Other causes are allergies which come also with a runny nose and in serious cases, can result in shortness of breath. Acid reflux is also a cause because the digestive matter returns up to the throat. The same happens in vomiting. Fortunately, there are some home remedies. More Information click here.


Digestive Problems Are Linked To Anxiety And Depression

Digestive Problems Are Linked To Anxiety And Depression    

Poor Digestion Can Lead To Stress And Depression    

Studies have shown that one of the causes of stress is bad digestion. This is because there is a strong relationship between the brain and the digestive system. For example, just thinking about a delicious meal can stimulate the secretion of gastric juice before the food arrives. Also, excess stress or depression can also affect the digestion, resulting in bloating, abdominal pain or loose stools. The connection goes both ways, so irritable bowel syndrome and poor digestion can lead to anxiety or depression. Click here for more info.


Eating Too Quickly Can Lead To Acid Reflux, Diabetes And Heart Problems

Eating Too Quickly Can Lead To Acid Reflux, Diabetes And Heart Problems    

Food Is Not Properly Chewed, Nor Includes The Enzymes For Saliva    

There are cases in which fast food has a second definition. Besides being prepared quickly, it is eaten rapidly. Food needs to be chewed properly to break it up into smaller pieces and mixed with saliva enzymes for proper digestion. Also, proper digestion is established after 20 minutes. Eating too fast may have serious health consequences, such as increasing the risk of diabetes, due to insulin resistance caused by overeating. The heart also suffers due to a higher risk of developing metabolic syndrome. It also causes obesity because the brain does not receive the signal of fullness in time, and also leads to acid reflux, since there is excessive secretion of acid to process the poorly chewed food. More details click here.


Health Benefits Of Pepper

Health Benefits Of Pepper    

Pepper has an active ingredient called piperine, which can increase the availability of curcumin by 20. Curcumin combats infections, irritations, and cancer, while piperine helps amino acids transported in the intestine. Pepper also increases acid secretion, helping digestion and helping with bloating heartburn and constipation. Check full details. Click here for more information.


Compression Wear And Girdles Not So Healthy

Compression Wear And Girdles Not So Healthy    

There is now a fad for corsets and body enhancer shapewear. Women wish to get back their figure before childbirth, or simply want an hourglass figure without the effort of a diet or exercises. The downside is that the core muscles weaken and also the extra pressure on the stomach will promote acid reflux. Click here for more details.


Feeling Bloated, With Heartburn Or Other Digestive Issues? It Can Be Ovarian Cancer

Feeling Bloated, With Heartburn Or Other Digestive Issues? It Can Be Ovarian Cancer    

Symptoms Can Be Confused With Other Health Conditions    

Ovarian cancer can affect females in the age group 16-65. The good news is that is treatable if detected in the early stages. However, its symptoms can be mistaken for digestive issues or other health conditions. Among them are bloating and swelling in the abdomen, heartburn, constipation and bowel changes and indigestion. Other symptoms are abdominal and back pain and urinary urgencies, which can be confused with lumbar pain or kidney conditions. Check all the symptoms. Click here for more details.


These Everyday Habits May Run Havoc For Your Body

These Everyday Habits May Run Havoc For Your Body    

There are everyday habits that seem innocent but can damage our well-being. Some of these are wearing tight pants, which cause digestive problems and heartburn, crossing your legs might increase blood pressure and sleep on your face can lead to wrinkles. Check the full list. Additional details click here.


Avoid Having A Dry Mouth With These Guidelines

Avoid Having A Dry Mouth With These Guidelines    

A dry mouth is the main cause of bad breath, which is also related to poor oral health and gum disease. Among the causes are dehydration, hormonal changes, excess coffee, and even diabetes. Also, acid reflux can cause it, because the acid travels to the mouth and throat, resulting in an irritation that dries them. Additional information click here.


Fast Food Contains Excess Sugar, Salt, And Saturated Fat, Doing More Harm Than Good To Your Body

Fast Food Contains Excess Sugar, Salt, And Saturated Fat, Doing More Harm Than Good To Your Body    

It Will Increase Blood Pressure, Worsen Acid Reflux, And Lead To Depression    

Fast food is a quick way to lunch, is not expensive, and tastes great. On the other side, it does more harm than good to the body. It contains fat, sugar, and sodium, which will lead to excess weight and diabetes. It also causes addiction due to the craving for sugar and fat. It also contains empty calories – no vitamins, minerals or healthy fats to nurture the body. Also, it can result in anxiety and depression due to the excess carbs, which do not contain the elements of healthy brain functioning, affecting the cognitive process. It also has consequences on the digestive process for acid reflux or IBS sufferers because it will worsen these conditions. Excess sugar, salt, and saturated fat will lead to obesity and clogged blood vessels, resulting in high blood pressure and an increase in risk or cardiovascular disease. Check all the risks of fast food. Click here for more details.


Aloe Vera Not Only Good For The Skin, Also For Heartburn

Aloe Vera Not Only Good For The Skin, Also For Heartburn    

Aloe Vera is a great natural treatment for good skin. Also, it has ingredients that will help fight acid reflux. Its polysaccharides help control inflammation and pain and aid in the healing process of the esophagus, while its glycoproteins will help in food digestion. Click here for more information.


Unnecessary Prescriptions Of PPIs Are Getting More Common

Unnecessary Prescriptions Of PPIs Are Getting More Common    

The most commonly prescribed acid reflux drugs are called Proton-Pump Inhibitors, which have been designed for short-term relief. However, when used for a long time, can have serious side effects. It has been found that doctors are prescribing them for an extended period, or to treat conditions that are unfamiliar with their intended use. Click here for more info.


Study: Seniors Hospitalized Due To Over-Medication

Study: Seniors Hospitalized Due To Over-Medication    

Seniors are more exposed to diseases, so they take a variety of medications. In some cases, it is to control a health condition, while in other cases it is to lower the risk of a condition that it is not yet present. Recent studies have shown that many hospitalizations of seniors are due to adverse medical reactions between these medications. More details click here.


Side Effects On Your Body Caused By Excess Eating

Side Effects On Your Body Caused By Excess Eating    

Holidays and celebrations are usually synonyms of a large meal. There might be so many good foods that sometimes you lose control and unfortunately, your body suffers. It causes bloating, hiccups, burps, bad breath, and heartburn, not to mention weight gain. More Information click here.


Saliva Can Diagnose Several Health Conditions

Saliva Can Diagnose Several Health Conditions    

Saliva is a natural antibacterial and disinfectant for all the germs that try to enter the body through the mouth. It can also provide information about the body’s health condition. For example, dehydration will result in low saliva production and bad breath, if it's dry and sticky in the morning it can be a symptom of sleep apnea. Also, if its pH balance is acidic, it could be acid reflux. Click here for more information.


Heartburn Usually Appears During Pregnancy - Learn How To Control It

Heartburn Usually Appears During Pregnancy - Learn How To Control It    

Avoid OTC Heartburn Drugs, Spicy Foods, And Large Meals    

During pregnancy, the excessive pressure of the baby on the internal organs causes heartburn. Also, the higher level of progesterone relaxes the gastroesophageal valve, which prevents the return of food to the esophagus. There are certain things to consider in order to avoid worsening this heartburn. One of them is taking only the meds prescribed by the doctor because OTC drugs are not all safe for pregnancy. Also, do not take foods that could trigger heartburn, such as greasy or spicy foods, alcohol, chocolate, and also, do not take huge meals. Check all the safety tips to heartburn at bay. Additional details click here.


Side Effects On Your Body Caused By Excess Eating

Side Effects On Your Body Caused By Excess Eating    

Holidays and celebrations are usually synonyms of a large meal. There might be so many good foods that sometimes you lose control and unfortunately, your body suffers. It causes bloating, hiccups, burps, bad breath, and heartburn, not to mention weight gain. More Information click here.


Acid Reflux Can Also Affect The Throat, Vocal Cords, And Upper Airway

Acid Reflux Can Also Affect The Throat, Vocal Cords, And Upper Airway    

Symptoms Are A Hoarse Voice, Coughs And Sore Throat    

Coughs, sore throat, and hoarse voice are not only symptoms of a cold or allergies and can appear in hot weather. They can be also symptoms of acid reflux, in which the stomach valve malfunctions, allowing the food matter to return to the esophagus, and even to the upper airway, the throat and enter the larynx. It can also affect the vocal cords, which makes the voice hoarse. This is called laryngopharyngeal reflux, or LPR. In some cases, there is no feeling of heartburn, so the person is not aware that the food matter with acidic content is the cause of the throat and vocal condition. Additional information click here.


Check These Healthy Alternatives For Your Smoothie

Check These Healthy Alternatives For Your Smoothie    

Smoothies are considered a healthy alternative, depending on the ingredients. Some of them can act as an anti-aging and longevity agent, while others can reduce allergies or inflammation. Mint is especially good to reduce heartburn. Check the recipes. More details click here.


Study: Extended Usage Of Proton-Pump Inhibitors Can Cause Male Infertility

Study: Extended Usage Of Proton-Pump Inhibitors Can Cause Male Infertility    

Recent studies have found several risks in the usage of PPIs. One of them warns that it can cause infertility in men, lowering the sperm count. Patients that used it for more than 6 months. Additional information click here.


Tumeric Adds Flavor And Helps With Heartburn And Indigestion

Tumeric Adds Flavor And Helps With Heartburn And Indigestion    

Tumeric is an excellent spice to add flavor and color to food. But it has also interesting health properties. It can be used as an alternative therapy for treating heartburn and indigestion, reduce the possibility of a heart attack and even help with depression. This is because of the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Additional details click here.


An Unhealthy Breakfast Will Affect Your Mood For The Day

An Unhealthy Breakfast Will Affect Your Mood For The Day    

Many people say that breakfast is the most important meal because it provides the initial energy for the day. Also, breakfast is taken when the stomach is empty so that eating the incorrect foods can affect our mood through the day. For example, the stomach lining can be irritated by spicy foods, lactic acid from dairy can result in acid reflux, and beans can cause flatulence and gas. Check the full list. More info click here.


Heartburn Drugs Can Be Related To Baby Asthma If Taken By Pregnant Women

Heartburn Drugs Can Be Related To Baby Asthma If Taken By Pregnant Women

A recent research has shown that heartburn drugs, such as proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) and H2-receptors antagonists, may affect the baby on a pregnant woman. Even though these drugs are considered safe to be taken during pregnancy because they do not affect the development of the baby, they may be responsible for asthma in the baby. Additional information click here.


Avoid These Things If You Have An Empty Stomach

Avoid These Things If You Have An Empty Stomach    

There are things that it is much better to avoid if you are with an empty stomach. For example, drinking tea or coffee will increase acidity resulting in indigestion, and tea can suppress the emission of gastric juices and decrease your appetite. Other ones are certain medicines, doing exercise, and even traveling – in the last case, avoid foods that produce gasses, like broccoli. Check all the details. Click here for more details.


Heartburn Is Not The Only Symptom Of Acid Reflux

Heartburn Is Not The Only Symptom Of Acid Reflux    

The most common symptom of acid reflux is heartburn, which consists of a pain in the abdomen and chest. However, there are other symptoms, such as excess salivation, which is a response to irritation of stomach acid a radiating pressure in the chest, which can be confused by a heart attack, and chronic coughing, caused by the stomach acid in the throat. More Information click here.


Coffee Has Many Positive Effects On Health, But Also Some Negative Ones

Coffee Has Many Positive Effects On Health, But Also Some Negative Ones    

It Decreases The Risk Of Several Types Of Cancer, Parkinson’s And Diabetes    

In the last years, there have been studies in favor of and against coffee. The truth is that is linked to many health benefits, such as lowering the risk of heart disease, besides the alertness and mental concentration. Recently, cancer researchers have released a study in which a chemical that forms in the process of roasting coffee, called acrylamide, probably may cause cancer. However, other studies have shown that coffee decreases the risk of cancer, including liver, prostate, and colon. It also reduces the risk of Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, and chronic liver disease. On the other side, it can affect pregnancy negatively, including pregnancy loss, endometriosis, and low birth weight. Check all the positive and negative effects of coffee. Additional info click here.


Wearable Device Can Detect The Stomach’s Electrical Signals

Wearable Device Can Detect The Stomach’s Electrical Signals    

It Uses 10 Electrodes And Can Detect Abnormal Activity Patterns    

Researchers have developed a device that can monitor the electrical activity of the gastrointestinal tract. This wearable system is connected to 10 small electrodes that can recognize the stomach’s electrical signals. It can capture abnormal activity patterns in the intestines. There is also an algorithm that can separate abdominal muscle activity, heartbeats and gastric activity. The information provided is similar to more invasive methods, allowing the doctor to make faster and more personalized diagnoses. More details click here.


Consequences Of Binge Eating

Consequences Of Binge Eating    

Imagine that you are at an “all you can eat” dinner. There is so much food that you don’t know where to begin. If this turns into a frequent habit, you are binge eating. Your body prefers sugar and carbs over healthy foods, causing your pancreas to produce more insulin. Your brain releases dopamine, which is the “pleasure hormone”. Check the full list. Additional info click here.


Acid Reflux And Clearing Your Throat Can Cause Vocal Cord Damage

Acid Reflux And Clearing Your Throat Can Cause Vocal Cord Damage    

Acid reflux causes digestive matter to return to the esophagus. In some cases, it goes way back to the throat. As a result, you get an uncomfortable sensation in your throat and start clearing it. This might damage the vocal cords and get a hoarse voice. How to avoid it? Click here for more information.


How To Avoid A Bloated Belly

How To Avoid A Bloated Belly    

The excess gas causes bloating to be very uncomfortable and may worsen as we age. In the case of women, the decreasing hormone levels interfere with the digestive process, leading the excess gas. However, it can be avoided removing from the diet foods that cause bloating, such as cabbage and broccoli, increasing the intake of probiotic foods and taking the last meal at 7 pm to also avoid acid reflux. Check all the list. Additional details click here.


A New Device For Controlling Acid Reflux Symptoms Will Be Available Over-The-Counter

A New Device For Controlling Acid Reflux Symptoms Will Be Available Over-The-Counter    

It Is A Non-Surgical Device That Will Be Worn On The Neck And Prevent The Return Of Acidic Matter To The Throat    

There is now an over-the-counter for treating the symptoms of acid reflux. When stomach acid returns, it might reach the throat, vocal cords, and even the oral cavity. This non-surgical device is worn in the neck to prevent the food matter from returning to the throat and passing to the lungs. Therefore, the patient will avoid acid reflux symptoms such as dry coughing, difficulty swallowing, hoarse voice, postnasal drip, and other head and neck damages. According to its manufacturers, it is a safe alternative to medication, surgery, and sleep modification. There will be also another version with smartphone connectivity for better user experience. Click here for more info.


These Foods Will Help Control Gastritis

These Foods Will Help Control Gastritis    

Gastritis is a condition in which excess air accumulates in the stomach, resulting in bloating, pain and inflammation. It is caused by a poor diet, spicy foods, and digestive disorders, among others. There are foods that will help reduce it, such as oats, raisin banana, and ginger. Check the full list. Additional details click here.


Avocado Can Cause Allergy Due To Its Content High In Histamines

Avocado Can Cause Allergy Due To Its Content High In Histamines    

Among The Symptoms Are Inflammatory Reactions To The Digestive System Similar To IBS And Acid Reflux    

Some people may be allergic to avocados. Because is that avocados have a high concentration of histamine, which is related to many allergies. Histamines are chemicals that have various purposes such as releasing stomach acid and activating the immune system to heal infections. If a person with histamine allergy eats avocado or other food which contain histamines, the result might be an inflammatory reaction in the digestive system symptoms very similar to IBS or acid reflux. Besides avocado, there are other foods that contain histamine, such as the spinach, tomatoes, pumpkin, and red kidney beans, among others. Check the foods as must be avoided to prevent histamine allergy. Additional details click here.


Easy Steps To Prevent Heartburn

Easy Steps To Prevent Heartburn    

Heartburn is usually related to poor digestion, and antacids become the most common answer. However, prevention is a better answer, such as identifying and removing the triggers and replenishing the stomach bacteria by the ingestion of probiotics. Additional information click here.


Craving For A Quick Bite At Night - Is It Good For Your Health?

Craving For A Quick Bite At Night - Is It Good For Your Health?    

Some people believe that eating late will cause excess weight, or will cause heartburn. However, there is no relation between obesity and eating at night. Most of the late-night cravings are caused not by hunger, but by anxiety, boredom, stress, or fatigue, and instead of eating healthy food, people choose high-calorie snacks like ice cream or potato chips. In any case, late eating will result in acid reflux. Additional info click here.


New Breakthrough Means Less Sugar In Chocolate

New Breakthrough Means Less Sugar In Chocolate    

Nestlé has discovered a new way to structure sugar that makes it dissolve more quickly which fools the taste buds and raises the sweetness. This means that 40% less sugar will be needed in the chocolate. Additional info click here.


PPI Drugs Too Powerful For Most Heartburn Cases

PPI Drugs Too Powerful For Most Heartburn Cases    

Proton-pump inhibitors (PPI) are a common type of heartburn drug, sold under many brands that promise to cure heartburn in 24 hours or less. However, these are very potent drugs, and 70% of acid reflux sufferers could go with a safer, less powerful drug. The problem with PPIs is that some can have serious side effects when used frequently. Additional details click here.


How Excess Sugar Is Related To Diabetes

How Excess Sugar Is Related To Diabetes    

Overweight People Have Excessive Calorie Intake, Which Leads To Diabetes    

There is a belief that sugar ingestion is directly related to diabetes. This is because his condition is referred to high levels of sugar in the blood, in the form of glucose. There is a misconception in which blood glucose is only originated by sugar ingestion. However, glucose is one of the many sugars that belong to the family of carbohydrates. There are other types of sugars, which are not as effective as increasing glucose levels. On the other hand, there are other carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, that also influence sugar level. The fact is that type II diabetes is related to excess body weight. Overweight people take eat sugar and ingest extra calories that result in weight gain. Also, overweight people tend to have poor diets and an unhealthier lifestyle, which contributes to increasing of the risk of diabetes. More Information click here.


Unusual Causes Of Bloating

Unusual Causes Of Bloating    

Bloating is usually related to overeating. However, there are other causes, such as distracted eating while checking your emails or watching TV, which causes ingestion of air. Depression can be another cause, due to its hormonal changes can lead to acidity. Also, skipping meals will result in gastritis, another cause of bloating. Check the full list. Additional info click here.


Drinking Water After Eating Is Not Good

Drinking Water After Eating Is Not Good    

Drinking water is fundamental for sustaining life, but there are some cases in which it is not a good idea. After having a meal, the digestive matter is being processed by stomach acids to be absorbed in the intestine and transformed into energy. However, water might dilute the acid and reduce its effectiveness. So when it is the correct time to drink water? More Information click here.


Mediterranean-Style Diet Is As Effective As Medication For Acid Reflux

Mediterranean-Style Diet Is As Effective As Medication For Acid Reflux    

This Avoids Harmful Side Effects Of Heartburn Medication    

A study has shown that a diet based on plants for treating acid reflux is as effective as medication. This is good news due to the fact that the most prescribed drug for this condition, Proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) are being related with harmful side effects, such as kidney problems, dementia, increased risk of strokes, and even reduced lifespan. It is a Mediterranean-style diet, with alkaline water, and included fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains. Additional information click here.


Drinking Coffee Has Beneficial Effects On The Liver

Drinking Coffee Has Beneficial Effects On The Liver    

It Lowers The Risk Of Developing Cirrhosis And Advanced Liver Disease    

According to new research, coffee can be beneficial for the liver. The study showed that persons who drank three or more cups per day lowered the risk of being hospitalized due to serious liver conditions, in more than 20%. It also showed that low levels of coffee consumption were not harmful to the liver, on the contrary, it decreased the risk of developing cirrhosis and advanced liver disease. Click here for more details.


A Plant-Based Diet Will Lower Blood Pressure And Help With Acid Reflux And A Good Mood

A Plant-Based Diet Will Lower Blood Pressure And Help With Acid Reflux And A Good Mood    

It Also Increases Productivity And Helps With Diabetes    

Plant-based diets consist of getting most of the daily nutrients from plans instead of eggs, meat and refined foods such as flour or oil. According to specialists, it has multiple advantages such as lower blood pressure, BMI, and cholesterol levels. It can also increase the level of antioxidants, regulate blood sugar and increase the level of nutrients responsible for mood enhancing, resulting in a better overall mood and productivity. It also helps with acid reflux, diabetes and sleep apnea, among others. More Information click here.


Follow A Plan To Avoid Digestive Issues During The Holiday Season

Follow A Plan To Avoid Digestive Issues During The Holiday Season    

The holiday season is usually associated with overeating, which leads to digestive problems, bloating, and acid reflux. This is worsened by the fact that holiday foods are rich in fat and sugar. Therefore, it is important to follow a plan to avoid digestive issues. Among these are staying hydrated, choosing healthy foods over the foods that trigger discomfort, and reduce portion sizes. More details click here.


Health Benefits Of Artichokes

Health Benefits Of Artichokes    

Artichoke has many health benefits. It has antioxidants, which helps decrease the risk of cancer and boosts the immune system. It also had potassium, which aids in reducing the level of intake if sodium, lowering blood pressure. It also helps digestion, increasing the flow of bile, assisting in the breakdown of food and preventing indigestion pain and acid reflux. Check the many benefits. Click here for more details.


These Foods Will Boost Digestive Health

These Foods Will Boost Digestive Health    

They Include Fiber, Prebiotics, And Probiotics    

A healthy digestive system depends, among others, in certain foods. The three main groups are fiber, probiotics, and prebiotics. Fiber regulates the speed at which the food passes through the intestine, regulating the bowel movements – among these are legumes, barley, and bran. Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms which reside in the digestive system and are created through fermentation – some of these foods are yogurt and miso, made from fermented soybeans. Prebiotics are the food for these microorganisms, and some of these are bananas, asparagus, and artichokes. More Information click here.


How Excess Sugar Is Related To Diabetes

How Excess Sugar Is Related To Diabetes    

Overweight People Have Excessive Calorie Intake, Which Leads To Diabetes    

There is a belief that sugar ingestion is directly related to diabetes. This is because his condition is referred to high levels of sugar in the blood, in the form of glucose. There is a misconception in which blood glucose is only originated by sugar ingestion. However, glucose is one of the many sugars that belong to the family of carbohydrates. There are other types of sugars, which are not as effective as increasing glucose levels. On the other hand, there are other carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, that also influence sugar level. The fact is that type II diabetes is related to excess body weight. Overweight people take eat sugar and ingest extra calories that result in weight gain. Also, overweight people tend to have poor diets and an unhealthier lifestyle, which contributes to increasing of the risk of diabetes. More Information click here.


Snoring Can Be Related To Digestive Conditions

Snoring Can Be Related To Digestive Conditions    

Snoring is a condition that affects the snorer and the partner. Both will suffer from daytime sleepiness because of the poor sleep. The cause might originate on the nose, throat or the tongue. One of the causes can be related to acid reflux – eating spicy food will cause acid reflux, which will result in sinus problems, coughing and blockage of the airway when lying sleep, which in turn create snoring issues. Additional details click here.


Dry Cough Can Be Caused By Acid Reflux, Viruses Or Pollutants

Dry Cough Can Be Caused By Acid Reflux, Viruses Or Pollutants    

In The Case Of Acid Reflux, It May Also Affect The Vocal Chords    

Dry coughs can have a variety of causes. One of them is acid reflux, in which the acidic food from the stomach returns to the throat. The body reacts with a cough to get rid of the foreign matter. This can cause an inflammation of the vocal cords and is more frequent when the patient is lying down. Other causes are virus infections like a cold or flu, and also allergies which irritate the eyes, nose, and throat, resulting in a cough. Air pollution may contain chemicals which irritate the throat. Additional info click here.


Epigastric Pain Can Be Caused By Acid Reflux And Several Types Of Ulcer

Epigastric Pain Can Be Caused By Acid Reflux And Several Types Of Ulcer    

Hepatitis And Carcinoma Of The Stomach May Also Be The Causes – Learn How To Diagnose It    

Epigastric pain is defined as a pain that occurs above the stomach, in the chest area. The most common is caused by acid reflux, in which the stomach acids return to the esophagus, but there are other causes, such as peptic ulcer disease, which forms in the stomach area, but can radiate to the upper stomach, gastritis, caused by the inflammation of the stomach lining and pancreatitis. Other much more serious conditions are carcinoma of the stomach, which is accompanied by weight loss and hepatitis. How can it be diagnosed? Click here for more info.


Getting Rid Of The Metallic Taste In The Mouth

Getting Rid Of The Metallic Taste In The Mouth    

Dry Mouth And Acid Reflux Are Some Of The Causes    

Sometimes we can feel a metallic taste in the mouth, similar to iron. This a symptom of a condition called Dysgeusia, which can be caused by acid reflux, dry mouth or dehydration, among others. There are home remedies such as oil pulling, baking soda, or green tea. These will help get rid of the odor-causing bacteria, and the excess plaque, and also have antioxidant properties. Check the recipes. More Information click here.


These Hangover Cures Will Avoid Headache And Heartburn

These Hangover Cures Will Avoid Headache And Heartburn    

Excess drinking is not advised by any means, apart from the fact that the hangover feels terrible. So, just in case you had too many drinks, there are ways to avoid a hangover. For example, eating fatty food before going out will coat the stomach walls, reducing the alcohol intake in the bloodstream. However, eating the fatty food in the morning after drinking will result in heartburn. Another tip is to stay hydrated, eating foods that will help detox the liver, and reload your vitamin. Check all the advice for avoiding a hangover. More info click here.


Acid Reflux And Clearing Your Throat Can Cause Vocal Cord Damage

Acid Reflux And Clearing Your Throat Can Cause Vocal Cord Damage    

Acid reflux causes digestive matter to return to the esophagus. In some cases, it goes way back to the throat. As a result, you get an uncomfortable sensation in your throat and start clearing it. This might damage the vocal cords and get a hoarse voice. How to avoid it? Click here for more information.


Swallowing Pills Without Water Can Result In Damage To The Esophagus

Swallowing Pills Without Water Can Result In Damage To The Esophagus    

Swallowing a pill without water can not only lead to choking but worse, it can get stuck in the esophagus, leading to inflammation and irritation. These pills react with the delicate tissue of the esophagus, resulting in heartburn. This process cannot be detected immediately because the esophagus does not have nerve terminations. Additional info click here.


Benefits Of Cutting Down Red Meat From The Diet

Benefits Of Cutting Down Red Meat From The Diet    

Cutting off red meat has benefits, such weight loss due to ingesting fewer calories, the pH balance will be less acidic, reducing the risk of diabetes and cancer, and a sensation of being less bloated, since the body digests red meat more slowly than other foods. On the other hand, the body might require alternate sources of protein and also certain nutrients, such as B12 vitamins. Additional information click here.


Heartburn Symptoms Can Be Confused For Heart Condition And Gall Bladder Stones

Heartburn Symptoms Can Be Confused For Heart Condition And Gall Bladder Stones    

Acid reflux must be taken seriously. Antacids are a temporary solution, but if the problem persists, it can be related to cardiac problems, the symptoms can be confused by a minor heart attack, or gallbladder stones, among others. Check the full list of symptoms. Click here for more info.


Health Benefits Of Pickles

Health Benefits Of Pickles    

Pickles have many health benefits and refresh your body. They are low on cholesterol and have vitamins A and K, iron, manganese, and dietary fiber. Its juice helps with exercise recovery and treats a hangover. It also soothes acid reflux and helps in preventing sugar spikes it taken during a meal. Click here for more info.


Reducing Stress Will Help Your Digestion

Reducing Stress Will Help Your Digestion    

Chronic stress releases a chemical called cortisol, which, in the long run, can damage your body affecting your memory, immune system and cause a feeling of tiredness and overwhelm. Meditation, exercise, and a massage are some of the ways to lower stress. Also, eating a banana will help reduce heartburn and high blood pressure because of its high potassium content. Click here for more info.


Acid Reflux Can Be Controlled With A Proper Diet

Acid Reflux Can Be Controlled With A Proper Diet    

Say Goodbye To Medication By Ingesting These Foods    

Acid reflux is usually treated with medication. However, recent studies have shown that PPIs, the most commonly prescribed medication, is related to kidney disease and could also lower the lifespan. An alternative is identifying what foods in your diet might be causing acid reflux, and ingest foods that will help control it. Among these are bananas, which are rich in potassium and lowers the pH level of the body, melons, and watermelons, which have antioxidants and fiber, and coconut water, because of its cleansing properties. Check the complete list of foods for controlling acid reflux. Additional info click here.


Heart Attack Symptoms Can Get Confused For Heartburn

Heart Attack Symptoms Can Get Confused For Heartburn    

Did you know that half the heart attacks go undetected? This is because there are no symptoms or if there are, they can get confused with indigestion or acid reflux. Since there are no classic chest pain, nausea, sweating or shortness of breath, the cardiovascular condition does not receive proper treatment. However you cardiologist can detect if you had one. Additional information click here.


Advice For Choosing The Correct Pillow

Advice For Choosing The Correct Pillow    

A good pillow is important because it provides support t the neck, clearing the airflow. If this gets obstructed, the result will be snoring. Among the main aspects to choose a pillow are the width of the shoulders for sleeping on a side, the firmness and the thickness. Also, if you have GERD, a wedge pillow will keep the head up, avoiding reflux. More Information click here.


Check This Orthodox Tip To Get Rid Of Acid Reflux

Check This Orthodox Tip To Get Rid Of Acid Reflux    

Antacids lower the amount of acid in the stomach, in order to prevent heartburn. However, the stomach needs acid to process the food, so the lack of acid forces the stomach to work harder, resulting in heartburn. The answer? More acid – but not just any acid. Click here for more information.


These Foods That Will Worsen Your Acid Reflux

These Foods That Will Worsen Your Acid Reflux    

Acid reflux can be caused by a poor diet, certain medicines, and a malfunction of the gastroesophageal valve, among others. While it is being treated, there are foods that can make it worse, thus they must be avoided. Some of them are tomatoes, caffeine, and alcohol. Check the full list. Additional info click here.


Natural Drug-Free Solutions For Acid Reflux

Natural Drug-Free Solutions For Acid Reflux    

Acid reflux is usually caused by excess pressure on the stomach, and also the excessive production of acid. There are natural solutions, such as belly breathing, which strengthens the muscles in the diaphragm, and treatments like acupuncture, yoga, and massage. More info click here.


Essential Oils Have Health Benefits For Hair Loss And Gastric Conditions

Essential Oils Have Health Benefits For Hair Loss And Gastric Conditions    

They Can Also Be Used For Treating Dandruff And Headaches    

Essential oils are extracted from seeds and plants and have many health benefits. One of them is chamomile oil, which is good for skin care, helping with acne and inflammation. Also, peppermint oil can help with oral hygiene, headaches and also treat indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Researchers have also discovered that peppermint oil can be used as an alternative treatment for hair loss. Lavender oil can help improve the sleeping patterns, treating insomnia. Tea tree oil is very good for skin conditions and hair care, helping treat dandruff. Click here for more information.


Benefits Of Drinking Cold Coffee

Benefits Of Drinking Cold Coffee    

Some coffee lovers, unfortunately, cannot stand coffee or caffeine, because of having acid reflux as a side effect. To overcome this, one possibility is to take a cold brew that has been made with no heat. This can be done at home by soaking ground coffee on cold water for a day, resulting in a high-caffeine drink. This is also being offered in coffee shops as tap coffee, and it can even replace energy drinks for it has twice the caffeine, no calories, and no sugar. More Information click here.


Poor Posture Can Have Consequences On The Body And The Mind

Poor Posture Can Have Consequences On The Body And The Mind    

It Affects Respiration And Causes Back Pain, Headaches, Mental Stress, And Acid Reflux    

A poor posture not only affects the musculoskeletal system, leading to back pain and joint pain but also can harm other parts of the body. It prevents proper respiration, because of the position of the diaphragm. Also, the stress on the neck can cause headaches and hip and lower joint pain due to the muscles imbalances due to poor posture. Slouching also causes organ compression in the abdominal area, resulting in acid reflux and heartburn, and the body has to make an extra effort to digest food. Another consequence is the physical and mental stress caused by the misalignment of the body, leading to pain and loss of motivation. Click here for more info.


Excessive Garlic Consumption Can Have Harmful Health Effects

Excessive Garlic Consumption Can Have Harmful Health Effects    

It Can Affect Liver Function, Cause Heartburn, And Bad Breath    

Even though garlic makes food taste better and is beneficial for the body, eating it daily can lead to harmful side effects. It can affect the liver, which is responsible for protein metabolism, blood purification, fat metabolism, and removing ammonia from the body. Garlic contains a compound called allicin, which can be toxic to the liver if ingested in large quantities. It can also result in diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, and vomiting if eaten with an empty stomach. Also, there is a well-known effect, in which the excess Sulphur can be released through the skin or breath causing bad body odor and bad breath. Additional info click here.


Acid Reflux Medications Can Reduce The Effectivity Of Cancer Treatments

Acid Reflux Medications Can Reduce The Effectivity Of Cancer Treatments    

Besides all the side effects related acid reflux drugs, these can cause serious harm to cancer patients. This is because these medications decrease the effects of a drug used for chemotherapy treatment in gastric cancer and colorectal cancer patients. More info click here.


Easy Steps To Prevent Heartburn

Easy Steps To Prevent Heartburn    

Heartburn is usually related to poor digestion, and antacids become the most common answer. However, prevention is a better answer, such as identifying and removing the triggers and replenishing the stomach bacteria by the ingestion of probiotics. Additional information click here.


Causes Of Frequent Abdominal Pain

Causes Of Frequent Abdominal Pain    

If you have abdominal pain, consider that there are many organs that can be affected. If one has inflammation, it can be easily spread to the other organs. The reason might be a food intolerance or allergies, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) and also IBS – Irritable Bower Syndrome. It can even be caused by organs that are not in the abdomen, such as the thyroid. What can you do about it? More details click here.


Probiotics Are Supposed To Make Food Healthier

Probiotics Are Supposed To Make Food Healthier    

However, There Is No Evidence Of Their Effect On Healthy Individuals    

Probiotics are considered healthy food, even by people who don’t know much about them. It is also being used as a marketing pitch, similar to low fat, low sugar, no additives, etc. Foods like yogurt or kombucha naturally have them. But they are being also added to other foods, even bottled water. Studies have found that there are more than 40 trillion microorganisms in the digestive system, that help with digestion, so it makes sense to help them by adding more microorganisms. However, researchers have found that only a handful of the strains actually help to treat specific health conditions. And no evidence has been found about the effect of probiotic foods in healthy individuals. Click here for more information.


Causes And Symptoms Of Stomach Ulcer

Causes And Symptoms Of Stomach Ulcer    

Frequent Heartburn, Nausea, And Vomiting Are Some Of The Symptoms    

Abdominal pain is usually related to indigestion or acid reflux. However, it can also a symptom of a more serious condition, such as an ulcer. However, there are other health conditions that also have the same symptoms. The most common causes are bacteria called Helicobacter pylori and taking too much NSAID pain relievers, such as ibuprofen. Contrary to common belief, stress and anxiety do not cause ulcers. Among the symptoms are pain between the sternum and belly button, the pain has a burning sensation, which can be caused by a peptic ulcer. Also, there is nausea so intense that leads to vomiting, and also there is frequent heartburn. Another symptom is feeling full quickly. Check all the symptoms. More info click here.


As You Age, Check This Advice For A Better Digestion

As You Age, Check This Advice For A Better Digestion    

Aging involves a series of changes in the body. This also means there must be changes in habits. Some of them are related to good digestion. For example, chewing the food allows it to react with an enzyme in the saliva, but when aging, there is less saliva production, and so chewing is more relevant. Meal size and fluid intake are also important. Check the full list. More details click here.


These Widely Prescribed Drugs Can Have Serious Side Effects

These Widely Prescribed Drugs Can Have Serious Side Effects    

Several drugs have been shown as the miracle cure for many conditions, until dangerous side effects show up, which were not present in smaller clinical trials. This is the case of proton-pump inhibitors for acid reflux, which can be addictive, cause bone thinning and lead to kidney disease. Other cases are Propecia for hair loss, which can cause erectile dysfunction, Tylenol, which is linked to birth defects, or beta-blockers for hypertension, which can cause mood disorders. Additional info click here.


Avoid Having A Dry Mouth With These Guidelines

Avoid Having A Dry Mouth With These Guidelines    

A dry mouth is the main cause of bad breath, which is also related to poor oral health and gum disease. Among the causes are dehydration, hormonal changes, excess coffee, and even diabetes. Also, acid reflux can cause it, because the acid travels to the mouth and throat, resulting in an irritation that dries them. Additional information click here.


Benefits Of Cutting Down Red Meat From The Diet

Benefits Of Cutting Down Red Meat From The Diet    

Cutting off red meat has benefits, such weight loss due to ingesting fewer calories, the pH balance will be less acidic, reducing the risk of diabetes and cancer, and a sensation of being less bloated, since the body digests red meat more slowly than other foods. On the other hand, the body might require alternate sources of protein and also certain nutrients, such as B12 vitamins. Additional information click here.


Magnesium Deficiency Related To Acid Reflux Medication

Magnesium Deficiency Related To Acid Reflux Medication    

Magnesium is fundamental for nerve and muscle functions and in some cases, healthy sleeping. However, there can be cases of magnesium deficiency. One of the causes may be the prolonged use of medication for acid reflux called proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs). Blood analysis cannot inform if there is magnesium deficiency because it is in the cells and bones. So what to do about it? More info click here.


Tumeric Adds Flavor And Helps With Heartburn And Indigestion

Tumeric Adds Flavor And Helps With Heartburn And Indigestion    

Tumeric is an excellent spice to add flavor and color to food. But it has also interesting health properties. It can be used as an alternative therapy for treating heartburn and indigestion, reduce the possibility of a heart attack and even help with depression. This is because of the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Additional details click here.


Avoid Wrinkles And Look Younger Changing These Habits

Avoid Wrinkles And Look Younger Changing These Habits    

As people age, they want to stay young, but most of all, they want to look young. Some habits actually increase wrinkles among these are frowning too much, rubbing your eyes, excess sugar or sun exposure. Other is sleeping on your stomach or side, which is also bad for acid reflux. Additional info click here.


Causes Of Pain In The Lower Right Abdomen

Causes Of Pain In The Lower Right Abdomen    

Besides Gastric Issues, It Could Be Appendicitis, Kidney Infection And Even Pelvic Inflammation    

Pain in the abdomen is usually related to gastric issues. However, there are areas, such as the lower right abdomen, in which a painful sensation can mean serious conditions. It can be linked to issues such as indigestion, excess intestinal gas and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). However, it can be a symptom of a more serious condition, such as appendicitis, hernia, kidney infection or kidney stones. It can also be related to gender: in the case of women, it can be an ovarian cyst, which is usually harmless, endometriosis – very painful – and pelvic inflammation. In the case of men, it can be an inguinal hernia o testicular torsion, both very painful. More details click here.


Cold Brew Is More Trendy And Healthier Than Iced Coffee

Cold Brew Is More Trendy And Healthier Than Iced Coffee    

Cold brew is a new version of iced coffee. It is made at room temperature or chilled water so that the coffee slowly infuses in time. This turns it into less acidic and easier to digest, which makes it ideal for people with acid reflux. Additional information click here.


Foods That Will Stimulate Sleep And Muscle Relaxation

Foods That Will Stimulate Sleep And Muscle Relaxation    

We have reviewed which food to avoid a good sleep. So which foods will promote rest and sleep? There are foods that help with the production of serotonin and melatonin, which stimulate sleep, such as most animal proteins, chia seeds, and walnuts. Also avocado has magnesium, which helps with muscle relaxation. Check the full details. More info click here.


Study: Stomach Acid Not Responsible For Damage To The Esophagus

Study: Stomach Acid Not Responsible For Damage To The Esophagus    

It has always been thought that in a case of acid reflux, the stomach acid was responsible for the damage in the esophagus. Therefore it was treated with acid-suppressing medications. However, a recent study has shown that esophagus damage can be the result of inflammation caused by proteins called cytokines. This study can be a game changer for acid reflux treatment. More info click here.


OTC Heartburn Drugs Can Increase Immunity Against Cancer

OTC Heartburn Drugs Can Increase Immunity Against Cancer    

A study discovered that there are common OTC medications acid reflux and peptic ulcer medications – ranitidine and famotidine – that also enhance the body’s immune system and the capability to fight cancer. More details click here.


Taking Painkillers For Period Pain Could Result In Gastrointestinal Conditions

Taking Painkillers For Period Pain Could Result In Gastrointestinal Conditions    

It Increases The Risk Of Developing Acid Reflux Or Stomach Ulcers    

For different women, period cramps can vary. In some cases, they might be mild, while in others, it can be as painful as a heart attack. A solution might be taking painkillers to ease the pain. However, according to specialists, taking these painkillers regularly can lead to health issues such as acid reflux digestive conditions, or stomach ulcers. The recommendation is taking two pills of 250 mg of Ibuprofen per day, with a maximum of four pills per day. Click here for more information.