Friday, February 8, 2019

Mint Can Reduce Bloating, Removing The Excess Stomach Gas

Mint Can Reduce Bloating, Removing The Excess Stomach Gas    

It Can Also Reduce The Symptoms Of Abdominal Pain Caused By Eating Spicy Foods    

Stomach bloating is caused by soda drinks, or by eating foods such as cruciferous vegetables that cause a swelling in the abdominal area. However, this can be managed with mint tea. Mint contains a substance called menthol, which helps normalize stomach contractions. Also, the natural oils in mint aid in breaking down and removing the gas from the gastrointestinal system. Also, mint tea can contain peppermint, which soothes the symptoms of bloating, and relieves abdominal pain. According to a study, peppermint can also activate an anti-pain channel in the intestine, reducing the abdominal pain associated with eating spicy foods. More Information click here.


Mint Can Reduce Bloating, Removing The Excess Stomach Gas

How To Improve Naturally The Effects Of A Poor Diet

How To Improve Naturally The Effects Of A Poor Diet    

Includes Eating Whole Foods, Healthy Fats, Fiber, A Proper Hydration And Avoiding Preprocessed Foods    

Many people don’t have much time to eat a healthy lunch or come back home too tired to prepare a proper dinner. It is known that a poor diet will result in obesity, digestive problems, and an increase in the risk of cardiovascular issues and diabetes. However, it is possible to improve digestion in a natural way, and also repair the damage that a poor diet is causing. One way is to eat whole foods and not preprocessed foods, which contain additives, trans fats, excess sodium, artificial food sweeteners, and refined carbs. The diet must also contain fiber to reduce constipation, and decrease the risk of certain digestive conditions, such as ulcers, acid reflux, and IBS. There are two types of fiber. One is soluble, which absorbs water and adds bulk to the stool, while the insoluble acts like a toothbrush, helping the food movement inside the intestine. Healthy fats are also important in the diet, which includes omega-3 fatty acids, which is contained on foods such as nuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds, salmon, mackerel and sardine. Proper hydration is also essential, which may include, besides water, non-caffeinated drinks, herbal teas, and fruits and vegetables with high water content. Check all the advice for natural digestion. Click here for more information.


How To Improve Naturally The Effects Of A Poor Diet

Vocal Cords Can Be Damaged By Excessive Smoking And Acid Reflux

Vocal Cords Can Be Damaged By Excessive Smoking And Acid Reflux    

The Acid May Also Reach The Oral Cavity, Causing Bad Breath And Affecting The Tooth Enamel    

Damage to the vocal cords can seriously affect the ability to communicate properly. The most common cause is yelling or screaming too much as in a musical concert or a sports event. It can also be damaged due to health conditions caused by cold weather, such as a cold or bronchitis. However, there are lesser-known causes, such as smoking, which also increases the risk of throat cancer. Also, acid reflux can damage the vocal cords, because the acidic food matter can go past the esophagus reaching the throat, affecting the throat and even the oral cavity. The acidic matter in the mouth will also cause bad breath and damage the tooth enamel. A vocal cord injury will show as a hoarse voice for two weeks, but it usually heals itself. More info click here.


Vocal Cords Can Be Damaged By Excessive Smoking And Acid Reflux

Coffee Has Many Health Benefits, But It Also Can Cause Acid Reflux

Coffee Has Many Health Benefits, But It Also Can Cause Acid Reflux    

It Relaxes The Valve That Prevents The Return Of Food Matter And Affects The Absorption Of Vitamins    

Even though morning coffee has multiple health benefits and boosts the mood, it also causes the secretion of the stress hormone cortisol, which, besides helping wake up, prepares the body for a dangerous situation. It might have side effects like headaches, digestive issues or fast heartbeat. A morning coffee could also affect the esophagus because it stimulates the secretion of stomach acid and relaxes the valve that prevents the returning of stomach matter, resulting in acid reflux. This effect is worse if coffee is consumed with an empty stomach. Leading to stomach cramps. Caffeine also affects the absorption of certain substances, such as vitamins A, B, C, D, and iron cannot. It is recommended taking these vitamins two hours after drinking coffee Additional information click here.


Coffee Has Many Health Benefits, But It Also Can Cause Acid Reflux

Coffee Has Many Health Benefits, But It Also Can Cause Acid Reflux    

It Relaxes The Valve That Prevents The Return Of Food Matter And Affects The Absorption Of Vitamins    

Even though morning coffee has multiple health benefits and boosts the mood, it also causes the secretion of the stress hormone cortisol, which, besides helping wake up, prepares the body for a dangerous situation. It might have side effects like headaches, digestive issues or fast heartbeat. A morning coffee could also affect the esophagus because it stimulates the secretion of stomach acid and relaxes the valve that prevents the returning of stomach matter, resulting in acid reflux. This effect is worse if coffee is consumed with an empty stomach. Leading to stomach cramps. Caffeine also affects the absorption of certain substances, such as vitamins A, B, C, D, and iron cannot. It is recommended taking these vitamins two hours after drinking coffee Additional information click here.


Coffee Has Many Health Benefits, But It Also Can Cause Acid Reflux