Thursday, April 30, 2020

Love Coffee But Can’T Stand The Heartburn? Try A Cold Brew

Love Coffee But Can’T Stand The Heartburn? Try A Cold Brew    

Cold brewed coffee is a new way of enjoying coffee on summer days. It exposes all the bean’s flavors without having it covered by the acidity produced by pouring hot water. Its low acidity makes it ideal for people with acid reflux and heartburn. Additional information click here.


Green Tea Is A Healthy Drink, But Taking In Excess Is Not So Healthy

Green Tea Is A Healthy Drink, But Taking In Excess Is Not So Healthy    

It Can Cause Liver Damage, Dehydration, Headaches And Sleep Disorders    

Green tea is considered one of the healthiest drinks, due to its antioxidants. However, excessive intake of antioxidants, as in the case of green tea supplements, can result in liver damage. While green tea brews have 90 to 300 mg of antioxidants, its supplements have from 500 to 1000 mg. According to researchers, more than 800 mg of antioxidants might damage the liver. Therefore the message is that green tea is healthy, while it is not ingested in large quantities. Other consequences of green tea overdose are acid reflux and acidity, due to its caffeine content, dehydration, because the tea acts as a natural diuretic, mineral deficiency, and also caffeine, leading to headaches and sleep disorders. Additional details click here.


Digestive Issues Can Show As Poor Sleeping, Low Mood, And A Reduced Immune System

Digestive Issues Can Show As Poor Sleeping, Low Mood, And A Reduced Immune System    

Gut Bacteria Affect Other Parts Of The Body Besides The Digestive System    

The digestive system interacts with the rest of the body. Some of the symptoms of a digestive problem might appear in different parts of the body. While the most evident are heartburn and bloating, a low mood and depression can be related to digestive issues. It also makes us prefer fast food over healthy meals. This is due to certain bacteria affect the production of serotonin. Another symptom is a reduced immune system, leading to frequent colds and viruses, and hay fever. Poor sleeping is also related, due to protein-rich food increases the production of melatonin, a necessary hormone for a good sleep. Additional information click here.


Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Sweetened Drink In The Fast Food Meal Will Increase The Risk Of Weight Gain

The Sweetened Drink In The Fast Food Meal Will Increase The Risk Of Weight Gain    

Replacing It With A Non-Sugary Drink Will Avoid Storing It As Fat    

Fast food restaurants offer high-protein fatty foods and the sugary beverage. However, is a good idea to replace the sugary drink with water or an unsweetened drink. Studies have proven that a high protein meal with a sweetened drink leads to more fat storage than when you have the same meal with an unsweetened drink. This is because the body burns a lower number of calories of the sugary drink and stores the excess as fat. Additional information click here.


Check This Product For Heartburn Relief

Check This Product For Heartburn Relief    

Heartburn sufferers have a new natural alternative for treating it. Aloe vera is usually mentioned in the beauty industry, but it can also vitamins and amino acids that help to treat acid reflux. More details click here.


Mint Can Reduce Bloating, Removing The Excess Stomach Gas

Mint Can Reduce Bloating, Removing The Excess Stomach Gas    

It Can Also Reduce The Symptoms Of Abdominal Pain Caused By Eating Spicy Foods    

Stomach bloating is caused by soda drinks, or by eating foods such as cruciferous vegetables that cause a swelling in the abdominal area. However, this can be managed with mint tea. Mint contains a substance called menthol, which helps normalize stomach contractions. Also, the natural oils in mint aid in breaking down and removing the gas from the gastrointestinal system. Also, mint tea can contain peppermint, which soothes the symptoms of bloating, and relieves abdominal pain. According to a study, peppermint can also activate an anti-pain channel in the intestine, reducing the abdominal pain associated with eating spicy foods. More Information click here.


Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Continuous Use Of Acid Reflux Medications Can Do More Worse Than Good

Continuous Use Of Acid Reflux Medications Can Do More Worse Than Good    

There are a series of acid reflux medications that are so effective, that doctors even prescribe them before considering other medications that can be less powerful and less risky. This could be your case. Click here for more information.


These Foods Will Help In Recovering From Anemia

These Foods Will Help In Recovering From Anemia    

Anemia is the shortage of red blood cells which can be caused by iron deficiency, vitamins C and B12 deficiency, lactation, among others. Some symptoms are shortness of breath, lethargy, palpitation, and exhaustion. Also, other symptoms are heartburn and vomiting. There are foods that will help combat it, such as prunes, apples, apricots, and grapefruits. Check the full list. Additional information click here.


Medical Benefits Of Carom Seeds

Medical Benefits Of Carom Seeds    

Carom seeds have been used in the Middle East for medicinal purposes, treating bad breath and toothache, heartburn and stomach ache, among others. It provides relief for acid reflux and excess acidity. Other medicinal benefits are the treatment of menstrual irregularities, cough, and colds. Click here for more info.


Monday, April 27, 2020

Acid Reflux And Clearing Your Throat Can Cause Vocal Cord Damage

Acid Reflux And Clearing Your Throat Can Cause Vocal Cord Damage    

Acid reflux causes digestive matter to return to the esophagus. In some cases, it goes way back to the throat. As a result, you get an uncomfortable sensation in your throat and start clearing it. This might damage the vocal cords and get a hoarse voice. How to avoid it? Click here for more information.


Drinking Water After Eating Is Not Good

Drinking Water After Eating Is Not Good    

Drinking water is fundamental for sustaining life, but there are some cases in which it is not a good idea. After having a meal, the digestive matter is being processed by stomach acids to be absorbed in the intestine and transformed into energy. However, water might dilute the acid and reduce its effectiveness. So when it is the correct time to drink water? More Information click here.


Identifying If A Certain Food Causes Allergy Or Sensitivity

Identifying If A Certain Food Causes Allergy Or Sensitivity    

Food Sensitivity Is Linked To Food Intolerance, While Food Allergy Is More Serious And Can Be Life-Threatening    

There are times in which a person has a sensation similar to the flu, or headaches, and cannot determine why. The cause might be related to certain foods that cause a negative effect on the body, which results in a food allergy or food sensitivity. This causes an adverse reaction on the body, which can be skin rashes, indigestion, and even difficulty breathing. The reaction determines if the cause is an allergy or sensitivity. Sensitivities are not life-threatening, and they are usually caused by an incapacity to digest or to process food, also known as food intolerance. The most common symptoms are stomach pain, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. To identify which food originates the sensitivity, the idea is to keep track of the ingested foods. Food allergies are more serious and complicated. The immune system recognizes the ingested protein as an invader, and reacts to it with antibodies, leading to physical symptoms that can be life-threatening. Common symptoms are shortness of breath, itching, trouble swallowing, and tongue swelling. Check all the symptoms caused by allergy or sensitivity, and the most common foods that can cause it. Additional information click here.


Sunday, April 26, 2020

How To Identify If You Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome

How To Identify If You Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome    

Irritable Bowel Syndrome shows itself as a digestive condition that usually requires frequent bathroom visits. There are ways to identify it, such as having a bad taste in the mouth that does not come from food, frequent urination, abnormal stool size and shape, acid reflux and diarrhea, among others. Check the full list. Additional information click here.


Friday, April 24, 2020

Heartburn, Bloating, And Cramps Are The Symptoms Of Poor Diet

Heartburn, Bloating, And Cramps Are The Symptoms Of Poor Diet    

Many people have had a poor diet most all of their lives and have suffered the effects of acid reflux, bloating and cramps. The problem is that for these people, these stomach conditions have been normal and did not know that it could be solved by changing the food in their meals. More Information click here.


Acid Reflux Medication Is Not Enough, Change Your Lifestyle


Acid Reflux Medication Is Not Enough, Change Your Lifestyle    

If suffering from acid reflux, prescriptions medicine might not be enough. Lifestyle and habits also promote heartburn and acid reflux. For example, excess weight, eating late at night, smoking and alcohol, among others. Click here for more information.


Thursday, April 23, 2020

Coffee Is Great, But You May Be Decreasing Its Benefits

Coffee Is Great, But You May Be Decreasing Its Benefits    

Coffee not only adds energy but protects us against dementia and increases our memory and metabolism. But how we drink it can add or reduce its benefits. For example, pre-ground coffee has more free radicals, reducing its antioxidants. This also happens when storing it on the original bag. Learn the correct way to drink coffee. Click here for more information.


The Circadian Clock Controls All The Body Processes, Besides Wake And Sleep

The Circadian Clock Controls All The Body Processes, Besides Wake And Sleep    

It Controls The Digestive System, Hormone Release, And Brain Chemicals, Among Others    

The circadian clock is responsible for defining the sleep and wake time. However, these are not the only activities controlled by the circadian clock. In fact, most of the body’s activities are controlled by it, including organ functioning, hormone release, brain chemicals, and digestive enzyme, among many others. It controls when is the time for optimal digestion, and instructs the heart when to increase and when to lower blood flow. It also tells systems to “go to sleep” when the body is asleep. This is the case of the digestive system, in which if a person has a late night snack, the food is not digested, it just sits there until next day, along with the acid the stomach has produced. Due to the fact that the acidic food matter is not advancing to the intestines, there is a risk of acid reflux. the circadian clock also controls the salivary glands, producing saliva when the body is awake to aid with the digestion, and reducing the production at night. Check how the circadian clock controls the other organs and body processes. Click here for more info.


Study: Popular Heartburn Meds Related To Kidney Failure

Study: Popular Heartburn Meds Related To Kidney Failure    

Heartburn, ulcers, and GERD patients are usually prescribed PPIs – proton pump inhibitors. These run by the names of Prevacid, Prilosec, Nexium, Protonix, Aciphex, and others. However, a recent study has reported that they can increase kidney failure. More info click here.


Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Feeling Worse When Stopping Taking Drugs? It’s Called Rebound

Feeling Worse When Stopping Taking Drugs? It’s Called Rebound    

Using a drug for too much time for a certain condition can make the symptoms come back. This can also happen when stopping taking the drug and is called a rebound effect. It can happen with pain relievers, PPs (proton-pump inhibitors) for treating heartburn, and other drugs. There are ways to stop taking these drugs without passing through the rebound effect. Click here for more details.


Acid Reflux Can Also Affect The Throat, Vocal Cords, And Upper Airway

Acid Reflux Can Also Affect The Throat, Vocal Cords, And Upper Airway    

Symptoms Are A Hoarse Voice, Coughs And Sore Throat    

Coughs, sore throat, and hoarse voice are not only symptoms of a cold or allergies and can appear in hot weather. They can be also symptoms of acid reflux, in which the stomach valve malfunctions, allowing the food matter to return to the esophagus, and even to the upper airway, the throat and enter the larynx. It can also affect the vocal cords, which makes the voice hoarse. This is called laryngopharyngeal reflux, or LPR. In some cases, there is no feeling of heartburn, so the person is not aware that the food matter with acidic content is the cause of the throat and vocal condition. Additional information click here.


Digestive Issues Can Show As Poor Sleeping, Low Mood, And A Reduced Immune System

Digestive Issues Can Show As Poor Sleeping, Low Mood, And A Reduced Immune System    

Gut Bacteria Affect Other Parts Of The Body Besides The Digestive System    

The digestive system interacts with the rest of the body. Some of the symptoms of a digestive problem might appear in different parts of the body. While the most evident are heartburn and bloating, a low mood and depression can be related to digestive issues. It also makes us prefer fast food over healthy meals. This is due to certain bacteria affect the production of serotonin. Another symptom is a reduced immune system, leading to frequent colds and viruses, and hay fever. Poor sleeping is also related, due to protein-rich food increases the production of melatonin, a necessary hormone for a good sleep. Additional information click here.


Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Drinking Coffee Has Beneficial Effects On The Liver

Drinking Coffee Has Beneficial Effects On The Liver    

It Lowers The Risk Of Developing Cirrhosis And Advanced Liver Disease    

According to new research, coffee can be beneficial for the liver. The study showed that persons who drank three or more cups per day lowered the risk of being hospitalized due to serious liver conditions, in more than 20%. It also showed that low levels of coffee consumption were not harmful to the liver, on the contrary, it decreased the risk of developing cirrhosis and advanced liver disease. Click here for more details.


Quick Remedies For Heartburn

Quick Remedies For Heartburn    

There are quick remedies for easing heartburn. Aloe juice has anti-inflammatory properties. Chewing gum increases the production of saliva, which helps with the acids in the stomach. Bananas and apples have natural antacids. Additional info click here.


These Diets Can Help With Irritable Bowel Syndrome

These Diets Can Help With Irritable Bowel Syndrome    

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has many symptoms, such as diarrhea, constipation, and bloating. Even though it can be treated with meds, there are diets that can be helpful. One of these is the probiotic diet, which balances the bacteria in the gastric system. Also, the alkaline diet can fight the high acidity of the typical foods that are highly acidic. Eating smaller portions four or five times a day gives the body a steady supply of energy and reduces stress on the gastrointestinal system. Click here for more information.


Monday, April 20, 2020

How To Eat At A Buffet Without Risking Getting Extra Pounds

How To Eat At A Buffet Without Risking Getting Extra Pounds    

Choosing Quality Over Quantity And Eating Slowly Will Help    

A buffet is usually an excuse to break a diet and might add some inches to the waistline. There are ways to deal with it. Among these are seating away from the food to reduce the temptation, checking the best choices and use small dishes, to maintain a preference for quality over quantity. Also, slow down eating to give the time to the stomach the send the correct signals to the brain when you are full. Check all the tips. Click here for more info.


Heartburn, Bloating, And Cramps Are The Symptoms Of Poor Diet

Heartburn, Bloating, And Cramps Are The Symptoms Of Poor Diet    

Many people have had a poor diet most all of their lives and have suffered the effects of acid reflux, bloating and cramps. The problem is that for these people, these stomach conditions have been normal and did not know that it could be solved by changing the food in their meals. More Information click here.


A Plant-Based Diet Will Lower Blood Pressure And Help With Acid Reflux And A Good Mood

A Plant-Based Diet Will Lower Blood Pressure And Help With Acid Reflux And A Good Mood    

It Also Increases Productivity And Helps With Diabetes    

Plant-based diets consist of getting most of the daily nutrients from plans instead of eggs, meat and refined foods such as flour or oil. According to specialists, it has multiple advantages such as lower blood pressure, BMI, and cholesterol levels. It can also increase the level of antioxidants, regulate blood sugar and increase the level of nutrients responsible for mood enhancing, resulting in a better overall mood and productivity. It also helps with acid reflux, diabetes and sleep apnea, among others. More Information click here.


Sunday, April 19, 2020

How To Identify If You Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome

How To Identify If You Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome    

Irritable Bowel Syndrome shows itself as a digestive condition that usually requires frequent bathroom visits. There are ways to identify it, such as having a bad taste in the mouth that does not come from food, frequent urination, abnormal stool size and shape, acid reflux and diarrhea, among others. Check the full list. Additional information click here.


Friday, April 17, 2020

Acid Reflux Medication Related To Esophageal Cancer

Acid Reflux Medication Related To Esophageal Cancer    

The Cause Could Be Drug Use For An Extended Period    

Proton-pump Inhibitors (PPIs) are among the most prescribed drugs for acid reflux. A recent study has linked it with kidney malfunction. Now, another study has related it to esophageal cancer. PPIs are used to protect the stomach lining and to treat the bacterial infection H. pylori. Additional studies are targeting patients that have used PPIs for an extended period of time, lining them to bone fractures, B12 vitamin deficiency, dementia, and heart attack, among others. Additional info click here.


Heartburn Medication Related To Dementia

Heartburn Medication Related To Dementia    

A study has related frequent use of heartburn medications such as proton-pump inhibitors, with dementia. It informs that heartburn medication could increase the risk of dementia by 40%, which is disturbing in the elderly population. More info click here.


Thursday, April 16, 2020

Chronic Acid Reflux Can Be Treated With Robotic Surgery

Chronic Acid Reflux Can Be Treated With Robotic Surgery    

It Is Minimally Invasive, With Few Side Effects, Ending The Necessity For Constant Medication    

Chronic heartburn can be cured with robotic acid reflux surgery. Acid reflux is usually treated with a diet and medication. There are also required other lifestyle changes, such as losing weight, avoiding alcohol and smoking, and a low-fat diet. One of the causes for this condition of the malfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which is the valve that prevents the return of acidic food matter to the esophagus. Is the condition persists, it will develop into chronic acid reflux, and it will require additional use of medication. However, long-term use of acid reflux medication has shown harmful side effects. Therefore, the only solution would be surgery. This procedure has been done laparoscopically, but actual procedures are being done via robotic surgery. This technique is minimally invasive, and repairs the LES malfunction, with little side effects for the patient, and short recovery time. After several weeks, the patients suspend the requirement for medication. More details click here.


Hot Spicy Dishes May Result In Living More Years

Hot Spicy Dishes May Result In Living More Years    

E study has shown that red-hot chili can help extend life. This could be related to capsaicin, the component that ads the hot spicy flavor, which may have anti-obesity, antioxidant, anti-inflammation and anti-cancer benefits. However, people with gastrointestinal conditions or heartburn must think twice before eating a hot spicy dish. More details click here.


New Procedure For Early Detection Of Throat Tumors

New Procedure For Early Detection Of Throat Tumors    

One of one of the most serious consequences of acid reflux is cancer, due to the prolonged exposure to the acid of the delicate tissues of the esophagus and throat. A new procedure checks the genetic make-up of the throat cells to see if they are likely to mutate to cancer cells. Click here for more info.


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Magnesium Deficiency Related To Acid Reflux Medication

Magnesium Deficiency Related To Acid Reflux Medication    

Magnesium is fundamental for nerve and muscle functions and in some cases, healthy sleeping. However, there can be cases of magnesium deficiency. One of the causes may be the prolonged use of medication for acid reflux called proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs). Blood analysis cannot inform if there is magnesium deficiency because it is in the cells and bones. So what to do about it? More info click here.


Acid Reflux Medications Can Reduce The Effectivity Of Cancer Treatments

Acid Reflux Medications Can Reduce The Effectivity Of Cancer Treatments    

Besides all the side effects related acid reflux drugs, these can cause serious harm to cancer patients. This is because these medications decrease the effects of a drug used for chemotherapy treatment in gastric cancer and colorectal cancer patients. More info click here.


Incorrect Sleeping Positions Will Lead To Headaches, Back Pain, And Acid Reflux

Incorrect Sleeping Positions Will Lead To Headaches, Back Pain, And Acid Reflux    

The Cause Is Sleep Apnea And An Improper Alignment Of The Spine    

An incorrect sleeping position can lead to neck and back pain or a headache when waking up. Sleeping on the back might relax the tissues at the back of the tongue, resulting in snoring and sleep apnea. This interrupts the breathing and causes poor brain oxygenation, which is the cause of a headache. This sleeping position will also cause neck pain, especially if the pillow is too high or too low. Also, studies have shown that nightmares are more common when a person sleeps on the left side, but, on the other hand, this position is the best for avoiding acid reflux. More info click here.


Tuesday, April 14, 2020

How To Avoid A Bloated Belly

How To Avoid A Bloated Belly    

The excess gas causes bloating to be very uncomfortable and may worsen as we age. In the case of women, the decreasing hormone levels interfere with the digestive process, leading the excess gas. However, it can be avoided removing from the diet foods that cause bloating, such as cabbage and broccoli, increasing the intake of probiotic foods and taking the last meal at 7 pm to also avoid acid reflux. Check all the list. Additional details click here.


Benefits Of Cutting Down Red Meat From The Diet

Benefits Of Cutting Down Red Meat From The Diet    

Cutting off red meat has benefits, such weight loss due to ingesting fewer calories, the pH balance will be less acidic, reducing the risk of diabetes and cancer, and a sensation of being less bloated, since the body digests red meat more slowly than other foods. On the other hand, the body might require alternate sources of protein and also certain nutrients, such as B12 vitamins. Additional information click here.


Study: OTC Antacid Can Be Used To Treat Tuberculosis

Study: OTC Antacid Can Be Used To Treat Tuberculosis    

A study has shown that the OTC Prevacid can be used for treating tuberculosis. This is because it is highly active again drug-resistant strains of the microorganism responsible for tuberculosis. Additional information click here.


Monday, April 13, 2020

Older Adults Prescribed With Heartburn Drugs Have An Increased Risk Of Pneumonia

Older Adults Prescribed With Heartburn Drugs Have An Increased Risk Of Pneumonia    

Also, Most Of These Adults Do Not Require Taking The Drug    

According to researchers, heartburn drugs had been related to pneumonia in older adults of 60 years or older. Proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) are drugs used to decrease acid production in order to protect the stomach. Another problem is that 40% of older adults are prescribed the drug, but the truth is that 85% of these adults do not need them. One of the reasons is that drugs are prescribed for a specific illness, but continue to take them once the illness Is treated. The research does not explain the incidence of pneumonia. Previous studies have also linked PPIs to kidney malfunction, fractures, and cardiovascular disease. Click here for more details.


Learning The Causes Of Hiccups And How To Deal With It

Learning The Causes Of Hiccups And How To Deal With It    

If It Lasts More Than 48 Hours, It Can Be A Critical Health Condition    

Hiccups are involuntary, intermittent spasms of the diaphragm. Hiccups are caused by an irritation of the diaphragm, making it spasm, and shutting the vocal cords, making the characteristic hic sound. It can be caused by drinking sodas, excessive eating, and swallowing air when chewing gum. It is believed that the spasm is activated by the vagus nerves which runs from the neck to the diaphragm, but there might be other nerves involved. If the hiccups are lasting more than 48 hours, the cause can be nerve irritation or damage from acid reflux. Also, type 1 or 2 diabetes may involve damage to vagus nerves. There are home remedies, such as holding the breath or taking frequents sips of water, but if it is lasting more than 48 hours, one solution can be injecting an anesthetic to calm the phrenic nerve. Check all the possible causes of hiccups. Click here for more information.


Digestive Problems Are Linked To Anxiety And Depression

Digestive Problems Are Linked To Anxiety And Depression    

Poor Digestion Can Lead To Stress And Depression    

Studies have shown that one of the causes of stress is bad digestion. This is because there is a strong relationship between the brain and the digestive system. For example, just thinking about a delicious meal can stimulate the secretion of gastric juice before the food arrives. Also, excess stress or depression can also affect the digestion, resulting in bloating, abdominal pain or loose stools. The connection goes both ways, so irritable bowel syndrome and poor digestion can lead to anxiety or depression. Click here for more info.


Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Cause Of Acid Reflux, Constipation Or Other Gastric Conditions May Be A Bad Habit

The Cause Of Acid Reflux, Constipation Or Other Gastric Conditions May Be A Bad Habit    

Among Them Are Incorrect Chewing, Poor Hydration, And Meals With Sodas    

Digestive problems have a cause. It can be a symptom of an illness or a serious condition. But in other cases, it is the consequence of a bad habit that has been present for years, such as people with jobs or activities that do not allow much time for lunch, obliging them to eat quickly and even when at the same time they are working on their desks. Sooner or later, this habit will take its toll in the form of excess gasses or acid reflux. There are other habits that should be corrected, such as chewing the food incorrectly. This does not permit the saliva to moisten the food, the saliva’s enzymes fail to process it, and the pieces of food are larger. Another bad habit is not drinking enough water during the day, but drinking in excess during meals, causing a sensation of bloating. This gets worse if the water is replaced by soda or carbonated water. Check all the bad habits to avoid. Additional details click here.


Friday, April 10, 2020

Waist Trainers Cause Pressure On The Stomach And Acid Reflux

Waist Trainers Cause Pressure On The Stomach And Acid Reflux    

Waist trainers and corsets are popular among women who have given birth and want to recover their figure without going to the gym. However, the constriction in the abdomen has consequences on the internal organs. One of them is the extra pressure on the stomach causes acid reflux. More info click here.


Types Of Eating Disorders And How To Identify Them

Types Of Eating Disorders And How To Identify Them    

We have heard of people with eating disorders, but what are these conditions? Avoidance or restrictive food intake disorder means the patient does not want to eat and depends on nutritional supplements – this might be caused by a series of factors, including the pain caused by acid reflux in childhood. Other disorders are bulimia, which is excess eating, and anorexia, consisting of frequent weighing and restricted eating. Additional info click here.


Thursday, April 9, 2020

IBS Can Be Controlled If You Know That Is Triggering It

IBS Can Be Controlled If You Know That Is Triggering It    

Certain Foods, Emotional States, And Hormones Could Be Activating It    

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is linked to diarrhea, stomach cramps, constipation, and bloating. The cause has not been determined, but it might be related to gut sensitivity. In IBS, the food passes too quickly or too slowly through the intestine, resulting in diarrhea or constipation. There are factors that trigger it, such as excessive stress, oversensitivity to digestive nerve signals, hormones, and certain foods, like alcohol, fried or fatty foods, and soda drinks, among others. Learn all the factors that might be responsible for IBS. Click here for more details.


How To Eat At A Buffet Without Risking Getting Extra Pounds

How To Eat At A Buffet Without Risking Getting Extra Pounds    

Choosing Quality Over Quantity And Eating Slowly Will Help    

A buffet is usually an excuse to break a diet and might add some inches to the waistline. There are ways to deal with it. Among these are seating away from the food to reduce the temptation, checking the best choices and use small dishes, to maintain a preference for quality over quantity. Also, slow down eating to give the time to the stomach the send the correct signals to the brain when you are full. Check all the tips. Click here for more info.


Study: Seniors Hospitalized Due To Over-Medication

Study: Seniors Hospitalized Due To Over-Medication    

Seniors are more exposed to diseases, so they take a variety of medications. In some cases, it is to control a health condition, while in other cases it is to lower the risk of a condition that it is not yet present. Recent studies have shown that many hospitalizations of seniors are due to adverse medical reactions between these medications. More details click here.


Wednesday, April 8, 2020

PillCam Helps Diagnose Wirelessly Conditions In The Digestive Tract

PillCam Helps Diagnose Wirelessly Conditions In The Digestive Tract    

It's Much More Comfortable Than A Tracheotomy Or A Colonoscopy    

The PillCam consists of a pill with a camera inside, which can send wirelessly images of the gastric tract. It is widely used in Europe. The pill has a 10-hour battery, two cameras, and a light source, and it will send between 2,600 and 57,000 pictures on its journey. One of the models is designed for the esophagus, which will help diagnose acid reflux by checking for heartburn injuries. Compared to a tracheotomy or a colonoscopy, the patient feels nothing during the procedure. Additional details click here.


Chronic Stress Will Affect Our Bodies With High Blood Pressure And Acid Reflux

Chronic Stress Will Affect Our Bodies With High Blood Pressure And Acid Reflux    

A stressful situation results in the releasing of hormones, such as cortisol, that prepares our body for a “fight or flight” state. Chronic stress will release continuously these hormones, resulting in damage to our bodies, such as high blood pressure, diabetes or acid reflux. What to do to avoid it? More info click here.


These Hangover Cures Will Avoid Headache And Heartburn

These Hangover Cures Will Avoid Headache And Heartburn    

Excess drinking is not advised by any means, apart from the fact that the hangover feels terrible. So, just in case you had too many drinks, there are ways to avoid a hangover. For example, eating fatty food before going out will coat the stomach walls, reducing the alcohol intake in the bloodstream. However, eating the fatty food in the morning after drinking will result in heartburn. Another tip is to stay hydrated, eating foods that will help detox the liver, and reload your vitamin. Check all the advice for avoiding a hangover. More info click here.


Tuesday, April 7, 2020

OTC Heartburn Drugs Can Increase Immunity Against Cancer

OTC Heartburn Drugs Can Increase Immunity Against Cancer    

A study discovered that there are common OTC medications acid reflux and peptic ulcer medications – ranitidine and famotidine – that also enhance the body’s immune system and the capability to fight cancer. More details click here.


High Microbial Diversity On The Intestine Related To Red Wine, Coffee, And Tea

High Microbial Diversity On The Intestine Related To Red Wine, Coffee, And Tea    

Microbial diversity in out intestines helps with digestion. A study has shown that red wine, coffee, and tea are related to high microbial diversity, but sodas, sugar, snacks, and milk, were related to low microbial diversity. Click here for more details.


What To Eat If You Suffer From Acid Reflux

What To Eat If You Suffer From Acid Reflux    

Most people with acid reflux know that they must avoid spicy or fatty foods and alcohol, but which to know what foods should they eat. Among these are apple cider vinegar, which prevents heartburn symptoms, bananas, which coats the stomach lining, working as a natural antacid, and fennel tea, a natural anti-inflammatory. Check all the foods. Additional details click here.


Monday, April 6, 2020

Abdominal Pain Not Only Related To Stomach Conditions

Abdominal Pain Not Only Related To Stomach Conditions    

Abdominal pain is not only related to the digestive system. It can also mean other health condition, such as gallstones, kidney stones, pancreatitis, and constipation. In the case of digestive issues, it can be the result of swelling or inflammation of the stomach lining, caused by excessive eating or drinking. More Information click here.


A Clogged Liver Can Affect Your Digestion, And Cause Headaches Or Poor Oral Health

A Clogged Liver Can Affect Your Digestion, And Cause Headaches Or Poor Oral Health    

These Simple Steps Can Help You Cleanse Your Liver    

Modern life can lead sometimes to an unhealthy diet, resulting in poor digestion, bloating, constipation and heartburn. The blame usually goes to the stomach and colon. However, the problem might be in the liver. It is responsible for obtaining blood from the stomach and intestines, eliminating the toxins from it, and producing bile to help digestion. In some cases, the liver is overworking due to a poor diet, or it can be clogged or imbalanced, resulting in headaches and poor oral health and filthy teeth. Learn these simple steps to cleanse your liver. More Information click here.


Feeling Bloated All The Time? This Can Be The Reason

Feeling Bloated All The Time? This Can Be The Reason    

If you feel bloated or too gassy, your body might be making more gas than it should or failing to pass it away. This can happen sometimes after a big lunch o dinner, but for some, it is a daily problem. The cause can be acid reflux, smoking, and certain medications. What to do about it? Additional information click here.


Sunday, April 5, 2020

Eating These Foods With An Empty Stomach Is Not A Good Idea

Eating These Foods With An Empty Stomach Is Not A Good Idea    

There are foods that are healthy, but if consumed with an empty stomach. They can be harmful, leading to gastric ulcers, constipation and acid reflux. For example, tomatoes have tannic acid that increases the acidity of the stomach. Green vegetables are high on amino acids and can cause heartburn and abdominal pain. Spicy food will damage the wall of the stomach, causing more acid secretion and irritation. Soda is not healthy at all, and taking it with an empty stomach will result in a sensation of bloating, causing the sugars to enter the bloodstream, causing the blood vessels to widen, and leading to a feeling of warmth, lowering pulse rate and blood pressure. More info click here.


Friday, April 3, 2020

Older Adults Prescribed With Heartburn Drugs Have An Increased Risk Of Pneumonia

Older Adults Prescribed With Heartburn Drugs Have An Increased Risk Of Pneumonia    

Also, Most Of These Adults Do Not Require Taking The Drug    

According to researchers, heartburn drugs had been related to pneumonia in older adults of 60 years or older. Proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) are drugs used to decrease acid production in order to protect the stomach. Another problem is that 40% of older adults are prescribed the drug, but the truth is that 85% of these adults do not need them. One of the reasons is that drugs are prescribed for a specific illness, but continue to take them once the illness Is treated. The research does not explain the incidence of pneumonia. Previous studies have also linked PPIs to kidney malfunction, fractures, and cardiovascular disease. Click here for more details.


Eliminate Acid Reflux In 28 Days With A Proper Diet And Better Eating Habits

Eliminate Acid Reflux In 28 Days With A Proper Diet And Better Eating Habits    

Acid reflux can be treated by antacids and other es, but these usually address the symptom and not the cause. The key to curing acid reflux is a proper diet, removing the foods that trigger it. According to specialists, acid reflux can be eliminated by changing the diet, watching the pH of the food, drinking only water and quitting smoking, among others. More details click here.


If You Feel Gassy Or Bloated These Tips Will Help For Your Digestive Health

If You Feel Gassy Or Bloated These Tips Will Help For Your Digestive Health    

Do you feel gassy or puffed up? Poor, incomplete or improper digestion can be the cause. Also, it can be inflammation caused by food reactions. So it is a good idea to watch what you eat, how you eat it and when you eat it. Check these useful tips for better digestion. More Information click here.


Heartburn Drugs Related To Higher Risk Of Strokes

Heartburn Drugs Related To Higher Risk Of Strokes    

A study has shown that certain drugs for heartburn, called PPIs, increase the risk of ischemic stroke. These are the most common types of strokes, in which a blood clot obstructs the flow to the brain. However, another type of heartburn medicine showed no relation to stroke risk. Additional information click here.


Alkaline Water Can Compensate An Acidic Diet

Alkaline Water Can Compensate An Acidic Diet    

Excess Acidity In The Can Lead To A Number Of Serious Diseases    

Excess acidity in the body is bad for your health. This happens when the blood’s pH is lower than 7.35. Fortunately, the body had ways of balancing it. However, the typical diet can be very acidic, which makes it harder for the body to compensate. This increases the risk of heartburn, fatigue, infections, and even diabetes and obesity. Alkaline water can be an answer. Click here for more information.


Why The Morning Coffee Sends Us To The Bathroom?

Why The Morning Coffee Sends Us To The Bathroom?    

In many people, the morning coffee causes a reaction resulting in a bowel movement and racing to the bathroom. This is because coffee, regular and decaf, promotes the production of the hormone gastrin, which speeds up digestion and everything else. More info click here.


Shapers Or Tight Belts Can Be The Cause Of Acid Reflux

Shapers Or Tight Belts Can Be The Cause Of Acid Reflux    

The Extra Pressure On The Stomach Forces The Food Matter To Return    

One of the causes of acid reflux or heartburn is wearing too tight clothes around the abdomen. These can be shapers or tight belts. These could cause changes in the cells in the valve that does not permit the food matter to return t the esophagus. Also, the extra pressure over the stomach will stress this area, allowing the food to return, resulting in acid reflux. This extra pressure can also be the result of pregnancy, excess weight, or ingesting large meals. More Information click here.


Feeling Bloated, With Heartburn Or Other Digestive Issues? It Can Be Ovarian Cancer

Feeling Bloated, With Heartburn Or Other Digestive Issues? It Can Be Ovarian Cancer    

Symptoms Can Be Confused With Other Health Conditions    

Ovarian cancer can affect females in the age group 16-65. The good news is that is treatable if detected in the early stages. However, its symptoms can be mistaken for digestive issues or other health conditions. Among them are bloating and swelling in the abdomen, heartburn, constipation and bowel changes and indigestion. Other symptoms are abdominal and back pain and urinary urgencies, which can be confused with lumbar pain or kidney conditions. Check all the symptoms. Click here for more details.


How To Identify If You Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome

How To Identify If You Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome    

Irritable Bowel Syndrome shows itself as a digestive condition that usually requires frequent bathroom visits. There are ways to identify it, such as having a bad taste in the mouth that does not come from food, frequent urination, abnormal stool size and shape, acid reflux and diarrhea, among others. Check the full list. Additional information click here.


Chest Pain Is Not Always Associated With A Cardiac Condition

Chest Pain Is Not Always Associated With A Cardiac Condition    

It Can Also Be Caused By Trauma, Acid Reflux, And Anxiety    

Chest pain is usually associated with a cardiovascular condition. However, there are other possibilities such as trauma, costochondritis, which is the inflammation of the cartilage between the ribs and sternum and includes pain near the sternum. Also, it can be acid reflux, which can appear as a severe chest pain if the condition has been left untreated and has worsened. Another possibility is anxiety related to a cardiac condition, which is sharp, localized, and occurs at rest. Learn about all the causes of chest pain. Additional info click here.


Avoiding Heartburn In The Holiday Season

Avoiding Heartburn In The Holiday Season    

The holiday season is usually related to big meals and celebrations. The result can take a heavy toll in the digestive system. Fortunately, there are several guidelines to avoid this, such as beginning the meals earlier to avoid poor sleep, lower alcohol consumption, and eat slowly. Check all the list to avoid a heavy stomach. More info click here.


Heartburn Medication Related To Dementia

Heartburn Medication Related To Dementia    

A study has related frequent use of heartburn medications such as proton-pump inhibitors, with dementia. It informs that heartburn medication could increase the risk of dementia by 40%, which is disturbing in the elderly population. More info click here.


OTC Heartburn Drugs Can Increase Immunity Against Cancer

OTC Heartburn Drugs Can Increase Immunity Against Cancer    

A study discovered that there are common OTC medications acid reflux and peptic ulcer medications – ranitidine and famotidine – that also enhance the body’s immune system and the capability to fight cancer. More details click here.


Changing These Habits Can Decrease The Risk Of Colorectal Cancer

Changing These Habits Can Decrease The Risk Of Colorectal Cancer    

Colorectal cancer is associated with a poor diet and excess weight. To reduce the risk of suffering it, it is important to change certain habits, starting with healthy foods. This means reducing the intake of red meat, and suppressing completely the processed meats, such as bacon and sausages. Also, choose a diet high in fiber. Click here for more information.


A Diet Fiber Will Help Treating Hiatal Hernia

A Diet Fiber Will Help Treating Hiatal Hernia    

A hiatal hernia is a condition in which part of the stomach is squeezed through the diaphragm into the chest cavity, which allows the stomach acid to enter the esophagus, increasing the possibility of esophageal cancer. However, a diet high in fiber will reduce the risk because the fiber gradually expels the stomach from the chest cavity. How is this done? Additional info click here.


Craving Spicy Food While Pregnant Can Be Good For The Mother And The Baby

Craving Spicy Food While Pregnant Can Be Good For The Mother And The Baby    

It Increases The Immune System, Fights Hypertension, And Results In A Good Mood    

Pregnancy has several stages. The first three months are usually associated with nausea and morning sickness. The second trimester includes food cravings, such as the sweetness of ice cream, the greasiness of French fries, and even the spicy taste of a hot sauce, even if it results in heartburn, hemorrhoids, and upset stomach. This can be explained because pregnancy heightens the senses of smell and taste, and it can be because if hormones according to experts. It can also a reason that something is lacking in the diet r there is a health issue. Women crave for spicy food when the immune system is weakened, and taking this food protects her and the baby. Other positive effects are lower blood pressure because pepper increases blood flow, and a better mood, due to the production of serotonin. More info click here.


Causes Of Frequent Abdominal Pain

Causes Of Frequent Abdominal Pain    

If you have abdominal pain, consider that there are many organs that can be affected. If one has inflammation, it can be easily spread to the other organs. The reason might be a food intolerance or allergies, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) and also IBS – Irritable Bower Syndrome. It can even be caused by organs that are not in the abdomen, such as the thyroid. What can you do about it? More details click here.


Cold Brew Is More Trendy And Healthier Than Iced Coffee

Cold Brew Is More Trendy And Healthier Than Iced Coffee    

Cold brew is a new version of iced coffee. It is made at room temperature or chilled water so that the coffee slowly infuses in time. This turns it into less acidic and easier to digest, which makes it ideal for people with acid reflux. Additional information click here.


Sodium Rich Foods Are Not Harmful As Salt

Sodium Rich Foods Are Not Harmful As Salt    

Excess salt is related to high blood pressure. However, the opposite is also bad: lack of sodium will result in acid reflux, nervous problems, memory loss, and kidney stones, among others. To avoid this, you can try sodium-rich foods such as spinach, beetroot, celery, carrots, and eggs. Get the full list. Click here for more information.


Worried About Yellow Tongue? Check The Causes And Treatments

Worried About Yellow Tongue? Check The Causes And Treatments    

Many people can get alarmed if suddenly they have a yellow tongue. This is common in pregnant women due to hormonal changes, but also can be caused by antibiotics, excess bacterial growth, oral care products, and even tobacco and heartburn. Check the full list. More details click here.


Dry Cough Can Be Caused By Acid Reflux, Viruses Or Pollutants

Dry Cough Can Be Caused By Acid Reflux, Viruses Or Pollutants    

In The Case Of Acid Reflux, It May Also Affect The Vocal Chords    

Dry coughs can have a variety of causes. One of them is acid reflux, in which the acidic food from the stomach returns to the throat. The body reacts with a cough to get rid of the foreign matter. This can cause an inflammation of the vocal cords and is more frequent when the patient is lying down. Other causes are virus infections like a cold or flu, and also allergies which irritate the eyes, nose, and throat, resulting in a cough. Air pollution may contain chemicals which irritate the throat. Additional info click here.


Sleep Medications Can Lead To Gastric Issues

Sleep Medications Can Lead To Gastric Issues    

Did you know that poor sleep quality can be related to heartburn? One of the causes is because certain sleep medications have many side effects including appetite changes, gasses, diarrhea, heartburn, and stomach pain. An alternative to these medications is herbal teas, such as chamomile, California poppy, and valerian, which have a relaxing and soothing effect. Click here for more information.


Avoid Having A Dry Mouth With These Guidelines

Avoid Having A Dry Mouth With These Guidelines    

A dry mouth is the main cause of bad breath, which is also related to poor oral health and gum disease. Among the causes are dehydration, hormonal changes, excess coffee, and even diabetes. Also, acid reflux can cause it, because the acid travels to the mouth and throat, resulting in an irritation that dries them. Additional information click here.


Red Wines Are Healthier, But Pinot Noir Is The Healthiest

Red Wines Are Healthier, But Pinot Noir Is The Healthiest    

It Has The Highest Concentration Of Antioxidants And Is Safe For People With A Propensity To Heartburn    

Red wine is healthier to white or sparkling due to its antioxidants. However, which is the healthiest red wine? According to specialists, pinot noir has the highest concentration of the antioxidant resveratrol. It also has lower sugar, resulting in lower alcohol and calories. And it also has fewer tannins, which have health benefits but can be an issue for people with a predisposition to heartburn. More info click here.


Excessive Burping Can Be A Symptom Of A Health Condition

Excessive Burping Can Be A Symptom Of A Health Condition    

It Can Be Linked To Acid Reflux, Gastroparesis, Gastric Ulcers, And Lactose Intolerance    

Burping is a natural process, in which the body relieved the excess gas in the stomach. Excessive gas is caused by swallowing too much air or eating foods such as beans, bananas or cauliflowers. However, there are cases in which there is excessive burping, such as in acid reflux, where the stomach valve does not close properly and allows the return of food matter and gasses. Another cause is gastroparesis, a condition that weakens the stomach muscles, and also gastritis and peptic ulcers. A common cause, present in 65% of the adult population is an intolerance to lactose, which is the inability to break down milk sugars. Check all the causes of frequent burping. Click here for more information.


Shapers Or Tight Belts Can Be The Cause Of Acid Reflux

Shapers Or Tight Belts Can Be The Cause Of Acid Reflux    

The Extra Pressure On The Stomach Forces The Food Matter To Return    

One of the causes of acid reflux or heartburn is wearing too tight clothes around the abdomen. These can be shapers or tight belts. These could cause changes in the cells in the valve that does not permit the food matter to return t the esophagus. Also, the extra pressure over the stomach will stress this area, allowing the food to return, resulting in acid reflux. This extra pressure can also be the result of pregnancy, excess weight, or ingesting large meals. More Information click here.


These Foods Will Boost Digestive Health

These Foods Will Boost Digestive Health    

They Include Fiber, Prebiotics, And Probiotics    

A healthy digestive system depends, among others, in certain foods. The three main groups are fiber, probiotics, and prebiotics. Fiber regulates the speed at which the food passes through the intestine, regulating the bowel movements – among these are legumes, barley, and bran. Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms which reside in the digestive system and are created through fermentation – some of these foods are yogurt and miso, made from fermented soybeans. Prebiotics are the food for these microorganisms, and some of these are bananas, asparagus, and artichokes. More Information click here.


Study: Popular Heartburn Meds Related To Kidney Failure

Study: Popular Heartburn Meds Related To Kidney Failure    

Heartburn, ulcers, and GERD patients are usually prescribed PPIs – proton pump inhibitors. These run by the names of Prevacid, Prilosec, Nexium, Protonix, Aciphex, and others. However, a recent study has reported that they can increase kidney failure. More info click here.


Symptoms Of Ovarian Cancer Can Be Mistaken For Other Health Conditions

Symptoms Of Ovarian Cancer Can Be Mistaken For Other Health Conditions    

Some Are Related To Gastrointestinal Issues Or Back Pain    

Ovarian cancer has symptoms can be easily confused with other health conditions and be misdiagnosed. Some of the symptoms are related to gastrointestinal issues, or back pain. Among the symptoms are persistent bloating not affected by food or medication, and continuous abdominal pain. These two conditions are confused with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gastric infections or menstrual cramps. Other gastric issues are having a hard time eating, getting full quickly or loss of appetite, variations in bowel habits. Another symptom is back pain, which can be mistaken for a strained muscle, and won’t respond to treatment or medication. Check all the symptoms of ovarian cancer. Additional information click here.


Quick Tips To Recover If You Have A Bad Digestion

Quick Tips To Recover If You Have A Bad Digestion    

Are you feeling heartburn or bloating, or just uncomfortable every time you eat? This is because your digestion is not working well. There are several ways you can improve it: the first and most obvious is to drink water. Greek yogurt and pickles are known for its probiotics. Check the full list. More details click here.


Consequences Of Binge Eating

Consequences Of Binge Eating    

Imagine that you are at an “all you can eat” dinner. There is so much food that you don’t know where to begin. If this turns into a frequent habit, you are binge eating. Your body prefers sugar and carbs over healthy foods, causing your pancreas to produce more insulin. Your brain releases dopamine, which is the “pleasure hormone”. Check the full list. Additional info click here.